The more you’re drinking, the better…

Matt Cook here, and if you want to avoid annoying pee problems…
…like waking up all night long, struggling to go, and feeling like you have to go all day long…
It may be as simple as drinking this one beverage every morning…
—-Important Message From Frank—-
How an old Mexican man impregnated 50 women
The ancient Aztec emperor, King Montezuma II, had a “rockiness” secret…
His “manhood” was said to be legendary…and he had hundreds of mistresses, well into old age…
An astonishing 50 of his wives were pregnant at the time the Spaniards captured him.
How did he do this? Good genetics? Great diet?
None of the above…
He had a secret “resurrection remedy” he drank every day (and once more before intercourse).
It puts modern “rockiness” treatments to shame!
And a Harvard-trained Doctor has recently rediscovered it…
⇒ Discover Montezuma’s secret to getting “rocky” at any age
This morning beverage lowers men’s risk of prostate cancer
Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are a terrible reality that many men have to deal with — especially as they get older.
And the medical solutions peddled by Big Pharma are a huge MESS.
Prostate surgeries often leave men with urinary and sexual function issues and the androgen suppressing treatments that are used to treat prostate problems aren’t a whole lot better.
Those treatments leave men feeling lethargic and often drop their sex drive into the toilet.
Personally, I prefer to keep my sexual function intact for as long as possible.
So I’m always looking for ways to keep my prostate healthy naturally.
I can’t imagine ever taking any of those prostate treatments or getting prostate surgery.
Luckily for me, it turns out that one of my favorite “health foods” can reduce your risk of prostate (and many other) cancers.
Most people are surprised to find out that the health food I push all the time is coffee!
It’s weird too, because a lot of people think that coffee is bad for you and try to eliminate it from their diets.

It’s actually a good idea to drink plenty of coffee. Because it turns out that coffee is a powerhouse of health benefits.
To figure out if coffee actually reduces prostate cancer risk, the searchers looked at studies that were carried out in North America, Europe, and Japan.
These studies included MORE than 1 million men.
The men self-reported how much coffee they drank and the researchers looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and prostate cancer.
The highest level of consumption ranged from 2 to 9 or more cups a day; the lowest level ranged from none to fewer than 2 cups a day.
What they found was that the more coffee men drank, the lower their prostate cancer risk.
These aren’t HUGE reductions in risk, but they are significant enough to pay attention to.
Compared with the lowest category of coffee consumption, the highest category was associated with a reduction in prostate cancer risk of 9%. And each additional daily cup was associated with a reduction in risk of 1%.
This is pretty cool, but what’s even more important is that the risk of advanced and fatal prostate cancer dropped even MORE.
A 12%-16% lower risk for advanced and fatal prostate cancer, respectively.
Most prostate cancer isn’t that aggressive, but if you do get the aggressive type it can be very bad — and even kill you.
That’s why it’s so good to see a big drop in the risk for the aggressive type of prostate cancer when you drink coffee.
And it’s not just prostate cancer that coffee helps prevent. It has also been shown to prevent other cancers as well.
Coffee consumption has been linked to a lower relative risk of liver, bowel, and breast cancers.
Personally, I drink coffee every single day.
Because even though coffee has a bad reputation in some circles, it does have a TON of health benefits.
Coffee improves glucose metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and affects sex hormone levels, all of which may influence the initiation, development and progression of prostate cancer, they point out.
In general, focusing on preventing or helping your body heal from problems through natural means is a much better approach to living a vital and full life than taking handfuls of tablets or getting surgeries.
I pretty much always recommend drinking plenty of coffee as part of a healthy lifestyle.
It’s just really good at helping to prevent disease and metabolic issues.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
My ‘glass of water’ prostate fix
There’s something I’ve been doing every day for my prostate…
And it’s a simple daily habit that takes the same amount of time it takes to drink a glass of water…
It’s completely natural, non-pharmaceutical, and safe for any man to try.
And for me, this prostate solution worked in just 2 weeks.
2 weeks and I was completely cured of these annoying pee problems.
No more embarrassment, I’m sleeping better, peeing better, and my wife is happy again.
Happy wife, happy life! Lol
And many men have been asking me, so here it is — my prostate solution