This little known vitamin packs a powerful punch down there

It helps keep the tiny blood vessels down there from getting clogged up, resulting in better rockiness

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—-Important Message From Dr. Joe—-

Doctor’s huge erections secret

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Women in this small Connecticut town are DESPERATE to get their hands on this doctor’s erections secret.

According to the news, women are sneaking around at all hours just to spend an hour alone with him.

And their husbands have NO IDEA!

Women say this doctor has a secret for some of the stiffest, longest lasting firmness.

And they’ll do anything to get their hands on it.

What is this doctor’s shocking erections secret?

Watch his short free video where he explains exactly how it works

He’ll also tell you why it works so well…

Why women are so DESPERATE for it.

And how you can start using it from your own home to get similar results as soon as tonight.

Just go here to get started


This little known vitamin packs a powerful punch down there

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If you’ve taken my Transformations, then you know that I often recommend vitamin K2 MK4 in many of my protocols.

Vitamin K is known as an agent that promotes healthy blood clotting.

A team of researchers located at Helmholtz Munich reports on a novel function of vitamin K, which is generally known for its importance in blood clotting.

It’s a little known vitamin, but it is a powerhouse in terms of what it can do…

Including keeping calcium in your bones and out of your blood vessels.

Vitamin K activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism, and heart health. One of its most important functions is to regulate calcium deposition. In other words, it promotes the calcification of bones and prevents the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys.

Calcium staying in your bones is a huge deal.

It means fewer problems with your cardiovascular system and less chance of osteoporosis.

A higher intake of vitamin K2 is strongly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Vitamin K1 appears to be less useful or ineffective.

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Research from Helmholtz Munich also shows that vitamin K can help to prevent cell death.

That’s a remarkable property and can potentially save people from a huge amount of health problems.

The researchers discovered that the fully reduced form of vitamin K acts as an antioxidant efficiently inhibiting ferroptotic cell death.

The kind of cell death that vitamin K protects against is called ferroptosis, and is a naturally occurring type of cell death.

Ferroptosis is a natural form of cell death in which cellular iron plays an important role and which is characterized by the oxidative destruction of cellular membranes.

The reason that it’s important that vitamin K can help prevent ferrotopsis…

…is because ferrotopsis believed to cause Alziehmer’s, organ damage, and other chronic diseases.

During the last years, ferroptosis has been implicated as a driver of Alzheimer’s disease and acute organ injuries among many other diseases. Thus, the present findings put forward the concept that vitamin K treatment might be a new powerful strategy to ameliorate these ferroptosis-related diseases.

The researchers found that vitamin K prevents cell death by oxygenating the cells.

When you oxygenate the cells you will be healthier and your entire body will function better.

The research team now found that the fully reduced form of vitamin K (i.e., vitamin K hydroquinone) acts as a strong lipophilic antioxidant and prevents ferroptosis by trapping oxygen radicals in lipid bilayers.

One of the forms of vitamin K that works to reduce cell death is vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 MK4 is the type that I recommend in many of my Transformations because it’s effective at helping people stay healthy.

“Surprisingly, we identified that vitamin K, including phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and menaquinone-4 (vitamin K2), is able to efficiently rescue cells and tissues from undergoing ferroptosis,” Dr. Eikan Mishima, first author of the study explained.

Liver is a good source of vitamin K2.

And if you are going to take a vitamin K2 supplement, make sure you take the type vitamin K2 MK4 and not the MK7 type.

Overall, vitamin K2 is critical to cell function, proper use of calcium by your body, and blood clotting.

It’s easy to get and take and there are no known toxicities for it.

—-Important Message About Getting More Vitamin K2—-

I get my vitamin K2 by drinking it in this delicious morning shake

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I came up with a shake that can double or even triple penile blood flow.

It contains 5 simple ingredients, including vitamin K2, that work to keep the blood vessels wide open and flexible…

And when blood vessels are wide open and flexible, plenty of blood flow can travel through…

And plenty of blood can fill the penile chambers down there for bigger, better rockiness.

Here’s the delicious blood flow shake I’m drinking


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.