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—-Important Message for Lasting Longer—-
“Sensate Sex” makes you last longer without sacrificing pleasure
After years of lasting only a couple minutes, today I’m lasting 20 or 30 minutes every time while feeling MORE pleasure…
Thanks to just this “Sensate Sex” method that’s working for me during intercourse…
With Sensate Sex it’s effortless — I’m lasting long enough for my wife to come once, maybe even twice…
And I’m feeling so much more pleasure than I ever did before. It’s made sex fun again!
And I’m not saying this to brag, but to show you how drastically things changed for me…
And to show you how drastically things can change for you — literally overnight…
Just letting this Sensate Sex method do the work for you during intercourse
This blocks your brain’s ability to feel pain
Pain in the body is extremely important and serves a vital role in protecting us from harm.
Without pain we would injure ourselves and not know it or become sick and not be able to treat the illness because we didn’t feel sick.
Simply, pain warns us of potential danger to tissue harm or to the presence of injury. This insult can be within or outside the nervous system, physical or chemical, visible or not. Although the characteristics of pain may differ, the role is still the same; pain is the body’s alert system
But when pain becomes chronic and you can’t get rid of it easily, then it becomes more of a problem.
That’s because living with chronic pain can be debilitating and difficult to deal with.
There are all kinds of strategies for getting rid of pain.
They can include things like pain treatments, chiropractic visits, acupuncture, and massage.
But did you know that music can also be effective at helping to reduce chronic pain?
Music listening can be used for pain relief, especially for chronic pain, i.e., pain lasting more than 12 weeks.
My theory is that music fills space in the brain that chronic pain needs to have in order to process.
What’s really fascinating is that it doesn’t matter what type of music you listen to.
Any type of music can help to relieve pain.
Basic musical features, such as tempo or energy, seem to be less important for pain relief.
According to a study published in PLOS, the thing that matters most for music being effective for pain relief is choice.
When you choose the music you listen to, it does a better job of relieving pain in your body.
The researchers found that participants who felt they had control over the music experienced greater relief in the intensity of their pain than participants who were not given such an impression.
The other key factor that increases music’s ability to provide pain relief is how much a person is engaged with music in their day to day life.
Additionally, participants who engage more actively with music in their everyday life experienced even greater pain-relief benefits from having a sense of control over the track used in this study.
One of our greatest assets as humans is our ability to put our attention in a specific place.
When you put your attention on music that you choose to listen to, it somehow blocks some of your brain’s ability to feel pain.
“Now we know that the act of choosing music is an important part of the wellbeing benefits that we see from music listening. It’s likely that people listen more closely, or more carefully when they choose the music themselves.”
That’s great news! Unlike most pain treatments, music has no side effects.
It can also lift your mood and helps some people focus.
I’m always looking for ways to help people feel better and live their healthiest and happiest lives.
Being able to effectively deal with chronic pain can dramatically impact your quality of life in positive ways.
So, if you’re dealing with chronic pain, pick out some tunes you like and see if it helps.
You might just be pleasantly surprised!
—-Important Message About Your Testosterone—-
1 food giving men high T and low estrogen
I’ve figured out why so many men have low T levels…
…even when they’re taking supplements…
…even when they’re getting injections from the doc…
It’s because of aromatization — the process where testosterone gets turned into estrogen…
And I found a simple way to stop aromatization…
So now, even men who have low T are performing like a beast in bed.
And it’s because estrogen levels are low now… and that makes all the difference…
It’s as easy as eating this 1 food