This kills 50% of cancer cells

Is this the key to finally defeating cancer?

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and today’s study is incredible – because it may be the key to stopping cancer.

Scientists have found a particular treatment that when used at just the right dose…

…killed half of all cancer cells!

And not just that, but it also dramatically slowed the spread of cancer.

Here’s this miracle treatment…

—-Important Message—-

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This kills 50% of cancer cells

The body has the ability to produce its own fatty acids from amino acids and pyruvate.

Increased levels of these fatty acids are seen in diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity.

These free fatty acids compete with sugar for uptake in the cell.

This means elevated levels of free fatty acids can cause high blood sugar – this is called the Randall cycle.

But these free fatty acids are also strongly linked to cancer.

Over 30 years ago, researchers proved that the gene which produces free fatty acids (FASN) is linked to breast cancer.

Since then, it has been tied to numerous other cancers.

“FASN was identified as oncogenic antigen-519 (OA-519) in patients with breast cancer. FASN is the most widely studied lipogenic enzyme in pancreatic cancer. ”

In the study below, researchers looked at the effect of a treatment used to lower the enzyme which creates the free fatty acids (FASN).

This treatment had a significant antitumor effect – lowering free fatty acids can decrease the risk of cancer.

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The cell experiments were carried out at the Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland. The research was published in the journal Anticancer Research.

Cancer of the pancreas is very difficult to treat.

“Pancreatic cancer is a disease with very poor prognosis, and none of currently available pharmacotherapies have proven to be efficient in this indication.”

Because of previous research showing a role for FASN and fatty acids in cancer, these researchers wanted to test a FASN inhibitor.

The study used a treatment called orlistat.

This treatment was originally developed as an obesity treatment – obesity is also tied to FASN and free fatty acids.

“We wanted to verify if orlistat, originally developed as an anti-obesity treatment, inhibits PANC-1 proliferation.”

(PANC-1 is a type of human pancreatic cancer cell)

Can inhibiting FASN slow the growth of pancreatic cancer?

“The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of fatty acid synthase (FASN) gene as a potential therapeutic target in proliferating human pancreatic cancer cells.”

In the experiment, human pancreatic cancer cells were exposed to different concentrations of the fatty acid synthase inhibitor orlistat.

“PANC-1 cells were cultured for 72 h with different concentrations of orlistat.”

Some cells were not exposed to the treatment – they were used to assess the uncontrolled growth of these cancer cells.

The treatment was effective at decreasing FASN in the cancer cells.

“A gradual increase in both FASN mRNA level and FASN activity was observed during the incubation, up to 200% and 400% that of respective baseline levels on day 4.”

Orlistat slowed the proliferation of cancer cells.

“Treatment of human pancreatic cancer cells with orlistat for 72 hours was reflected by a dose-dependent decrease in the cell number and viability.”

Higher doses were more effective at suppressing the cancer cells.

The highest dose tested led to a 50% decrease in cancer cell numbers and viability after 3 days.

“Viability of cells treated with 50 μM orlistat corresponded to approximately 50% that of untreated cells.”

The researchers were also able to show that the growth of pancreatic cancer cells was directly related to the amount of FASN expressed by the cells…

…further indicating that it is the suppression of FASN and fatty acids that slows cancer.

“Increased expression of FASN results in enhanced production of fatty acids that are necessary for both synthesis of cell membrane lipids and proliferation of cancer cells.”

The researchers were also able to show that the treatment worked by lowering the production of one particular fatty acid – palmitate.

“It was previously unclear if these effects resulted from depletion of palmitate, the main product of FASN. Our findings presented here imply that this is indeed the case.”

This, and other studies, clearly show that there is a role for fatty acid synthase inhibitors and the medical treatment of cancer and obesity.

But there are also natural ways to lower the FASN levels.

For example, vitamin D and calcium are proven to lower FASN.

—-Important Message—-

These simple squeezes naturally rebuild tissue down there for bigger, better rockiness

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Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Orlistat Reduces Proliferation and Enhances Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells (PANC-1).