Eating soy may be worse than we think…but the reason is quite different from the “it’s estrogenic” line you may have heard…
Matt Cook here, and you may have heard the term “soy boy” before.
It’s meant as an insult to describe a wimpy, feminine guy.
Because for years now, men have been told that soybeans raise estrogen.
But that’s not really the whole truth… in fact, you may be surprised to know what soy REALLY does to a man…
And how it hurts or helps his experiences with women…
—-Important Message—-
Why can’t I come when I’m inside my wife?
I hear from a lot of men who are having trouble coming…
They are grinding away, faster and rougher to get themselves to climax…
But nothing happens.
They can’t orgasm. And they don’t know why.
And the woman is lying there thinking: “can this be over already?”
Well I’ve discovered why this is happening to so many men — and it’s something doctors rarely if ever talk about…
So if you’re suffering delayed ejaculation or having trouble finishing, this is for you.
This is why I’m against men eating soy
The use of soybean products as foods is a controversial topic.
Depending on how you look at things, soy can be categorized as estrogenic or not estrogenic.
Estrogen is a hormone which causes inflammation and obesity – it also changes behavior.
Animal experiments have shown that eating soy food may not necessarily increase estrogen levels in the blood.
But there are elements in soy-based foods which activate the estrogen receptors – having an estrogenic effect.
In one experiment, monkeys fed soy-based protein became far more aggressive, displayed more submissive behavior and were far less sociable.
These are known effects of estrogen in men.
But blood estrogen levels didn’t increase in the monkeys – the effect is likely through the actions of soy on the estrogen receptor – acting like estrogen.
The research was carried out at the Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The findings were published in the journal Hormones and Behaviour.
In menand male animals, most estrogen is produced by conversion from testosterone.
Numerous studies show that increased estrogen causes aggression and unwanted social behaviors.
“Estrogen derived from testosterone has an important role in male-typical aggression behaviour that is mediated through its interaction with estrogen receptors in the brain.”
These problematic behaviors aren’t caused by estrogen per se, but by the effect of estrogen activating estrogen receptors.
But calling these receptors “estrogen receptors” can be misleading…
…because there are many other things which can activate these receptors in the same way.
We call these other things “estrogenic substances” – when they come from plants they are called phytoestrogens.
Soybeans are loaded with phytoestrogens.
“Isoflavones found in soybeans and soy-based dietary supplements bind estrogen receptors and have a dose and tissue dependent effect on estrogen-mediated responses.”
In other words, elements of soy foods act just like estrogen – at least in lab experiments.
The study was designed to see if soy foods could cause aggression and other behavioral changes which are seen with high estrogen in men.
“The effects of soy isoflavones-rich diets in social and aggressive behaviour have not been studied.”
So the researchers carried out a long-term, 15 month study using male macaque monkeys.
44 monkeys were used in the experiment.
The monkeys were given one of 3 different diets.
The only difference in the diets was the source of protein.
One group got a diet with dairy protein – no soy.
The other 2 groups derive most of their protein from different types of soy foods.
One of these soy-protein diets was much higher in estrogenic soy isoflavones than the other.
The researchers found that the amount of oestrogenic soy isoflavones in the diet correlated with changes in behavior.
“In monkeys fed the higher amount of isoflavones, frequencies of intense aggressive and submissive behaviour were elevated.”
Monkeys eating a lot of soy-estrogens were 67% more aggressive!
The monkeys eating high amounts of estrogenic soy isoflavones also had periods where they were far more submissive.
In fact, they were 200% more submissive.
The monkeys on the soy diets were also far less sociable.
“The proportion of time spent by these monkeys in physical contact with the monkeys was reduced by 68%. Time spent in proximity to the monkeys was halved. Time spent alone increased by 30%.”
The study shows that soy foods can cause extreme behavioral changes in male animals…
…very similar to what is caused by high levels of estrogen in men.
The research also found that soy foods did not cause alterations to hormones in the body.
“There were no effects on serum testosterone or estrogen concentrations.”
Soy foods did not increase estrogen. But the soy isoflavones act as if they were true estrogen.
The behavioral changes we see in this study are similar to what is called “roid rage”.
This is an extremely aggressive and antisocial behavior pattern seen in some men taking anabolic steroids.
“Roid rage” is caused by those testosterone-like anabolic steroids getting converted to estrogen, activating the estrogen receptors.
Soy is an increasingly common ingredient in processed foods. And you should look to limit your consumption of soy products.
“Long-term consumption of a diet rich in soy isoflavones can have influences on patterns of aggressive and social behaviour.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message—-
This is why some men still suffer from erections problems after lowering estrogen and increasing T
There’s a secret condition that makes normal erections treatments useless on men…
A condition that doctors have forgotten, and medicine won’t fix.
So if you have been suffering from poor erections or no erections at all, this will be life-changing for you.
This actually works…and it’s more powerful than testosterone…
THIS is giving men rocky ones again when nothing else works…
And get this — it can also make you grow thicker and fatter down there!