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And the PERFECT way to get curcumin into the body…
—–Important Message—–
Whole-body orgasms explained…
It will feel so good – as if you just took 10 condoms off your penis.
And if you FEEL more, your brain will begin activating the penis-brain connection – the connection deep in the brain that controls your penis will wake up.
And you’ll have hard, long-lasting erections again.
The best way to do this is to learn the whole-body orgasm method.
I explain the whole-body orgasm method here…
The whole-body orgasm method can give you and her hours-long pleasure, with off-the-charts whole-body orgasmic feelings.
Again: You could use Big Pharma’s chemicals, but they are expensive and their effectiveness is spotty at best…
Plus they are unhealthy…
Or you can use the whole-body orgasm method as explained here by a Russian named Yuri…
…some men who are 85 use the whole-body orgasm method – and they report feeling more sensation than they did when they were teenagers.
This is why everyone’s so obsessed with curcumin right now…
Today’s newsletter ties in a super-important gut problem with a supplement found in Indian spice – curcumin.
So let’s start with leaky gut syndrome… It is a major cause of health problems in the world today.
When bacteria leak from the gut into the rest of the body, you end up with massive internal inflammation.
Inflammation from leaky gut syndrome is thought to cause type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
And that’s just for starters.
Leaky gut syndrome is also implicated in dementias such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
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For some unknown reason, the gut barrier becomes weaker under any type of stress.
A new study shows that a common spice can strengthen the gut barrier – protecting us from stress-induced leaky gut syndrome.
This human study was published in the Journal of Physiology.
This study subjected eight people to two different types of stress at the same time…
The participants were required to run for 60 minutes in a heated chamber.
“Eight participants ran for 60 min in a chamber at 37°C/25% relative humidity twice (Curcumin/Placebo).”
Exercise and extreme temperatures will both increase the leakiness of the gut.
The participants – six men and two women – completed this stress test twice.
They did the stress test once while using an inactive placebo supplement and once while using a curcumin supplement.
In the curcumin phase of the experiment, the participants took 500 mg of curcumin for three days before the stress test.
The scientists then looked at a number of markers of gut integrity and inflammation related to leaky gut.
The first marker of leaky gut they looked at was intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP).
This marker is reliably higher in leaky gut syndrome.
Curcumin supplementation protected against the stress-related increase in I-FAB1 – a marker of leaky gut.
“Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) increased more in the Placebo trial than in Curcumin trial (58 and 18%, respectively).”
The inflammatory protein tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) increases under stress…
In the study, curcumin protected against this increase in TNF-alpha.
“Tumor necrosis factor alpha increased in the Placebo trial but not in the Curcumin trial.”
Another important marker of inflammation – interleukin 10 (IL-10) – was increased by the stress test.
Curcumin also protected against the stress-related increase in the inflammatory cytokine IL-10.
“Interleukin 10 increased in the Placebo trial but not in the Curcumin trial.”
Exercise and heat together…that is a recipe for heat stroke.
Scientists have developed a way to calculate the risk of heat stroke.
The risk of heat stroke is assessed by looking at many of the markers that were measured in this study.
Analysis of the results showed that curcumin supplementation significantly lowered the risk of heat stroke under stressful conditions.
“The physiological strain index (PSI), which indicates exertional heatstroke risk, was also lower in the Curcumin phase than in Placebo phase.”
Supplementation with the common culinary spice curcumin protected the gut, lowered inflammation, and lowered the risk of heat stroke.
“Three days of curcumin supplementation may improve gastrointestinal function, inflammation, and systems-level physiology responses during exertional heat stress.”
Curcumin could prove to be a useful tool for people with leaky gut syndrome, especially under stressful conditions.
Curcumin may also help people who are not acclimated to high temperatures avoid heat stroke.
“This could help reduce exertional heat stroke risk in non-heat-acclimated individuals.”
This is the first time a supplement has been shown to protect the gut barrier and lower the risk of heat stroke simultaneously.
“Eight different supplements have been tested for improvements in gut barrier function and responses during exercise-heat stress. Until now, none had been shown to protect against both insults simultaneously.”
Curcumin is an interesting supplement.
People have been using it in food for at least a few thousand years. It seems pretty safe.
Recently, a study has shown that curcumin can be protective against dementia as well.
This may be because it protects the gut barrier!
You should always consult a healthcare professional about diagnosing and treating health conditions.
——-Important Message——-
The PERFECT way to get curcumin into your body…
Here is a story from a buddy of mine:
I’ve got a few supplements here – and you can see how I use curcumin along with the synergistic activity of curcumin to make it even better.
In fact, curcumin is just one of many supplements I talk about in the T Rewind Protocol.
You can try the entire T Rewind Protocols right now for just a single dollar.
You’ll get all the modules including the curcumin info, how to lower harmful estrogen levels (yours may be higher than your wife’s), and how to double or TRIPLE testosterone.
Click here to try T Rewind Protocol for just $1.

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