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Believe it or not, this one word wakes up her naughty side…

This “wake up her naughty side” word is very, very powerful for both single or married guys…
…because this naughty word opens up a sexual buffet of sweaty, amazing intensity that you thought women only faked in “those” movies.
With this specific naughty word, you can access her deepest, most secret sexual desires just by whispering a few seemingly innocent words in her ear…
So what is the word?
Well, I’ve already told you it just now…
Can you find it? If not, I reveal the naughty-side word here…
This is why doctors are changing their minds on statins
I’ve written at length about the health problems caused by statin treatments which are given to lower cholesterol.
I’m also of the opinion that there is no benefit to forcing down cholesterol levels using statins or any other means.
High cholesterol can be a sign of underlying health problems — but cholesterol itself is not the problem.
Statin treatments are heavily pushed by Big Pharma.
And many doctors really believe that these treatments could save your life.
But when doctors are given statins by their own personal physicians and they experience the severe side effects of these treatments, they usually alter their opinion.

The research was carried out at the University of California, San Diego.
Though there is now a vast body of evidence showing severe side effects caused by statin treatments, many doctors truly believe that these can be life-saving treatments.
Statins don’t even lower cardiovascular risks.
Yet, doctors are just as likely to take statin treatments as they are to recommend them.
And they are just as likely to experience the side effects.
“Physicians are among those ‘given’ statins and therefore they are subject to potential statin adverse effects. But there is little information on the impact of statin side effects on physicians affected by them.”
This research consisted of interviewing seven current and former physicians who had been given statin treatments.
The healthcare professionals were asked about their experiences with statin side effects, if any, and whether the effect of these treatments changed their perceptions of the usefulness of the treatments.
“Seven active or retired physicians from the United States communicated with the statin effects study group regarding their personal experience of statin adverse effects.”
The first doctor experienced mental decline, neuropathy and blood sugar problems, which they attributed to statins. These are all known side effects of the treatments.
Doctor number two experienced muscle weakness and myalgia — also known side effects of statin treatments.
A third doctor reported irritability, myalgia and tiredness — hallmarks of statin adverse effects.
The fourth reported heart problems, mitochondrial problems, neuropathy, and exercise intolerance, all of which could reasonably be attributed to statins.
The remaining physicians all suffered from a combination of the previously described statin adverse effects.
These patients were given a variety of different statins and at different doses — but they all experienced life-changing side effects believed to be caused by the treatments.
“In five doctors, the adverse effects affected the physicians professionally.”
The doctors also commented on their experiences with other healthcare professionals in the context of statin side effects.
“Five physicians experienced dismissive attitudes in some of their own healthcare encounters regarding statin ‘treatments.’”
One of the doctors reported that his own experiences had made him rethink his attitudes towards recommending the treatments, and that they had helped other doctors to understand the problems.
“One Dr. noted that his experience helped not only his own attitude toward statin adverse events but that of other physicians in his community.”
The experiences made most of the doctors rethink their attitude towards statin treatments.
“Several doctors who stated that their experiences altered their understanding of and attitude toward statin adverse events and their opinion of the context in which statin use is warranted.”
The problems caused by statins are widespread and often quite severe.
Doctors are neither immune to statin recommendations or the side effects caused by the treatments.
“Statin adverse events can have profound impacts and high functioning professionals with implications on the individual, their professional life, and those whom they serve professionally.”
High cholesterol can sometimes be a symptom of underlying health problems — often low thyroid or problems with gut bacteria.
These underlying health problems should be addressed. But high cholesterol itself is not a proven cause of health problems.
Statins, on the other hand, are well proven to harm your health.
—-Important Message for Men on Statins or Fighting High Cholesterol—-
Skip the statin — this naturally lowers cholesterol by turning it into testosterone
Many men on statins often suffer from low testosterone and don’t know why.
And it’s because they don’t know how important cholesterol is for testosterone.
See, cholesterol is the natural building block of testosterone.
You can’t make testosterone as a man without cholesterol.
So when you take a statin, you poison your body’s natural mechanism of turning cholesterol into testosterone…
So cholesterol goes down, but so does T…
And that’s yet another reason why I never recommend statins.
Instead, I recommend this — my simple protocol that helps the body turn more cholesterol into T