Studies show that some vitamin E supplements actually increase cancer growths… not good…

Matt Cook here, and not all vitamin E supplements are created equally.
In fact, there are some types of vitamin E that can actually be harmful.
So before you go taking something that you think is helping but is really opening you up to more diseases, even cancer…
Check this out — this is the only type of vitamin E I’m taking and that I would recommend to men…
—-Important Message From Matt—-
Instantly make her want you with this weird electrifying method

It sounds strange, but this weird electrifying method shocks a girl’s pleasure centers in a way she’s never experienced before…
Just a touch of your finger will have her eyes rolling into the back of her head…
…and she will shudder with the waves of pleasure crashing throughout her body…
And when she opens her eyes, you’re the only man she sees…
This is the only type of vitamin E men should be using
Looking at vitamin E research, at first glance it seems that there are a lot of contradictory results.
Research papers claim that vitamin E cures “disease A” — while other research papers claim that vitamin E causes the same disease.
So what gives?
Well, it depends on what you call vitamin E.
There are many different substances which have been labeled as vitamin E over the years.
They fall into two different categories — tocopherols and tocotrienols.
But even then, these are broken down into different types, some natural and some synthetic.
Early research using natural, full-spectrum vitamin E taken from plant materials gave exceptional results.
This substance had anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and hormone-regulating properties.
But these days, some of the substances which are sold as vitamin E are actually quite harmful.
For example, in one series of experiments, one type of vitamin E seems to cause an increase in liver cancer, while a seemingly similar type of vitamin E prevented liver cancer.

These animal experiments are carried out at the Health Environment Analysis Laboratory in Tumwater, WA.
The findings were published in the Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism.
The research was designed to look at different dietary factors which could influence the development or regression of liver cancer — a.k.a. hepatocellular carcinoma.
This type of liver cancer can be triggered by toxins found in food or by infectious pathogens.
“The major causes of hepatocellular carcinoma or aflatoxin, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses.”
In their experiments, the researchers looked at the effect of a couple of different supplements, both of which are marketed as vitamin E.
(Alpha tocopherol acetate and alpha tocopherol succinate)
“Alpha tocopherol and its acetate and succinate esters have each been reported as counteracting cancer development in humans and rodents. We have investigated their salutary effect in both poor and high quality diets in rainbow trout.”
In the experiments, rainbow trout were exposed to high levels of aflatoxin, which can reliably trigger liver cancer.
Different groups of trout were given slightly different diets to see if these dietary components had any influence on cancer rates in the animals.
“Liver cancers were induced in rainbow trade by aflatoxin. Different levels of several vitamins were included in selected diets as possible anticancer agents.”
The study found that one form of vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate) increased the size of liver growths in trout exposed to aflatoxin.
This is interpreted as accelerated growth of liver cancer.
“Elevated dietary tocopheryl acetate caused a marked increase in liver size in aflatoxin induced liver cancer in rainbow trout.”
However, the other form of vitamin E almost completely prevented liver cancer.
“Tocopheryl succinate nearly eliminated liver cancer development in fish fed otherwise complete diets. Tocopheryl succinate in poor diets reduced liver cancers by 77% compared with animals given tocopheryl acetate.”
And so you see, one form of vitamin E increases the rate of liver cancer, and the other form of vitamin E almost completely prevents liver cancer in the same context.
High quality, broad spectrum, natural vitamin E is one of the best supplements you can take.
But almost all of the vitamin E on the market now is synthetic or highly processed — some of it is fine, but much of it is harmful.
You really need to know what you’re getting if you’re taking a vitamin E supplement.
The problem isn’t with natural vitamin E itself — rather in the strange definitions of what constitutes vitamin E.
The study also highlighted a number of other nutrients which helped to prevent liver cancer after exposure to aflatoxin.
These anticancer vitamins included real vitamin A, vitamin D, and casein — a protein found in whole dairy products.
—-Important Message from Matt About Preventing and Fighting Cancer—-
This cheap white powder is the best anti-cancer vitamin in the world

This cheap white powder oxygenates the cells.
And cancer hates oxygen. Oxygen is cancer’s nemesis.
So if you want to prevent and fight cancer cells in the body, it’s as easy as using a pinch of this white powder.
And you know why you haven’t heard about this white powder yet?
Because it’s cheap and can’t be patented.
Hundreds of millions of dollars keeps going into cancer research…
And if this gets out, Big Pharma stands to lose it all.

Hepatocellular carcinomas are promoted by tocopheryl acetate but eliminated by tocopheryl succinate