In fact, it’s much more dangerous to over train
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Controversial video clip reveals stunning erections breakthrough for men

Scientists have discovered a simple and easy “brain hack” to almost instantly reverse arousal problems…
Contrary to what your doctor has told you, getting “rocky” has nothing to do with testosterone levels or anxiety…
And it’s not a blood flow problem either…
However, new science does reveal your brain has a “control switch” that determines whether you get stiff — or suffer from embarrassing limpness.
And inside this short controversial video Big Pharma wants banned, you’ll discover a new approach to immediately enhance your rockiness…
…while increasing stamina, duration, and fullness practically on demand.
Watch this video before it’s taken down — shows men how blood flow can double to the penis
This is the only type of exercise men need for great health
One of the most persistent myths we now hold about health is the idea that there is no such thing as enough exercise.
Of course, pushed to the extreme, everybody knows that intensive exercise can put someone in the hospital.
After all, we regularly hear of marathon runners being in a dire state after a run.
In general though, exercise is seen to be a strictly beneficial activity which improves health.
But it’s not exactly true.
There is a threshold, and in individuals with relatively impaired health, this limit is probably lower than commonly expected.
In fact, the threshold beyond which exercise becomes harmful is dependent upon the initial state of health.
Most adults with various chronic conditions, and impaired metabolism, simply cannot “exercise their way to health.”
Low-intensity activity or training like walking or calisthenics can indeed be beneficial and gently stimulating
However, it would probably be profoundly ill-advised for a cancer patient to embark on a grueling Crossfit journey.
At the core, we rely on the digestion of food and especially the oxidation of glucose to produce energy in our cells.
When this energy production is impaired, as is the case in fatigue or even chronic fatigue, it implies a metabolic disorder.

At appropriate intensities and provided the activity is pleasant and not stressful, exercise can indeed affect metabolic health positively.
Exercise can even improve glucose oxidation and energy production by the cell mitochondria, the “batteries” of the cell.
This explains the energy “boost” experienced by some of those who incorporate a moderate amount of exercise in their regular life.
However, above a certain intensity, these benefits are completely reversed:
“Exercise training positively affects metabolic health through increased mitochondrial oxidative capacity and improved glucose regulation and is the first line of treatment in several metabolic diseases (…) Following the week with the highest exercise load, we found a striking reduction in intrinsic mitochondrial function that coincided with a disturbance in glucose tolerance and insulin secretion.” – Flockhart et al. (2021)
The simple question then becomes: “How can we tell when exercise becomes harmful”?
There are a few rather easy ways.
Considering how a healthy metabolic state is characterized by a warm body temperature and a good state of mind, these can be two clear indicators of the effects of a training session.
If exercise leaves you energized, relaxed, and warm, then you can bet it is beneficial and is promoting healthy glucose metabolism and energy production in the mitochondria.
On the contrary, if exercise is followed by coldness and fatigue, then it’s a safe bet to say the exercise is having a counterproductive effect and is worsening overall health.
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30 seconds got her over the edge — twice

During the late 1800’s in England, when a woman would suffer from insomnia, unpredictable or erratic behavior…
…disobedience, fits of lashing out at their husbands, or simply not behaving in the way women were expected to at the time…
Doctors would often diagnose them with Hysteria, which is a form of insanity…
So husbands would bring their wives to local physicians who would try and cure the women of their hysteria by using everything available at the time…
Drugs that ranged from completely useless to toxic to poisonous…
All the way up to dangerous and potentially fatal surgeries where they would actually drill into the woman’s skull and puncture certain areas of the brain…
However, one doctor, J. Mortimer Granville, had an entirely different approach…
He believed he could cure female hysteria in a much safer manner — by focusing his attention between her legs!
Dr. Granville used one simple technique using only his fingers to completely “cure” these women…
…by giving them the strongest, most pleasurable O’s of their lives!
It’s been estimated that Dr. Granville performed over 2 million of these orgasmic releases using this one technique that takes less than 30 seconds to perform…

Flockhart, M., Nilsson, L. C., Tais, S., Ekblom, B., Apró, W., & Larsen, F. J. (2021). Excessive exercise training causes mitochondrial functional impairment and decreases glucose tolerance in healthy volunteers. Cell metabolism, S1550-4131(21)00102-9. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2021.02.017