It’s been proven to increase weight and fat gain

—-Important Warning for Men—-
What has the FDA been hiding all these years?
Only the top echelon know about this systematic crime…
…that millions of Americans are being harmed, yet these top FDA people have stood by silently, despite the illness and deaths.
Well today, it’s over — because I’m blowing the lid off this very well-kept secret…
…a secret that Big Pharma and the FDA have been hiding from us for more than 100 years.
This secret has the power to turn modern medicine on its ear, if I can get it out before they silence me…
So I made a quick video, hosted on a private page, where I hope THEY won’t see it.
I can’t promise how long it will be up, but every man NEEDS to watch this before they eat another bite of food…
…and I mean ANY food…
This is the one type of sugar all men should avoid
I write a lot about the dangers of dietary fats — particularly highly unsaturated fats which have become a large part of the common diet.
It is best to get most of your calories (energy) from sugar.
The main sugars are lactose, glucose, and fructose.
Lactose comes from dairy products.
The other two come from fruits, honey, or refined table sugar.
Fruit and honey are much better sources of glucose and fructose than table sugar.
Though honey and table sugar are very similar in terms of macronutrients, honey is much better for your health.

These animal experiments were carried out at the Department of Biological Sciences, Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
The results were published in The Journal of Food Science.
Sugar helps keep cells healthy.
A high sugar diet can keep blood fats lower — these fats block sugar uptake and keep blood sugar high because it can’t get into the cell.
Dairy sugar (lactose) is a no-brainer — it’s great.
But how you get the other main sugars, fructose and glucose, is important.
Fruit is the best source of these sugars, but some people need lots of calories and this could mean eating fruit all day just to get enough sugar
Table sugar (sucrose) and honey are much more dense sources of glucose and fructose — a good supplement to fruit and dairy.
However, large amounts of table sugar can ferment in the stomach.
This bacterial fermentation causes gut problems which have knock-on effects.
Honey has compounds which prevents this.
The effect of these different sugars can be explained by this experiment.
Researchers in New Zealand split rats into three different groups. There were 15 rats in each group.
Each group of rats was given the same base diet.
The second group was given about 8% of their diet from table sugar.
The third group had 10% of their diet from honey instead.
Those numbers are by weight — the amount of calories from honey or sugar were identical.
“Rats were fed a powdered diet that was either sugar‐free or contained 7.9% sucrose or 10% honey ad libitum for 52 wk (honey is 21% water).”
The animals were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, so the effects of the experiment included any changes caused by differences in appetite.
The researchers were primarily interested in differences in weight gain and body fat levels.
But they tracked other important metabolic markers too.
The experiment ran for one year in total. The animals were assessed every week or two.
Weight gain and body fat levels were measured using DEXA scans — highly accurate X-ray technology. (Accurate, but not safe.)
Animals on the table sugar diet gained significantly more weight and body fat.
“Overall weight gain and body fat levels were significantly higher in sucrose‐fed rats and similar for those fed honey or a sugar‐free diet.”
This was even though the sugars from honey and table sugar were almost identical as a percentage of the diet.
Table sugar has the ability to ferment, causing bacterial problems independent of the sugars themselves.
Sugar fed animals had higher HbA1c levels — more signs of bacterial fermentation.
“HbA1c levels were significantly reduced, and HDL cholesterol significantly increased in honey fed rats.”
Low bone mineral density is a serious problem for older people.
Bone mineral density was increased in rats on the honey and sugar diets.
“No differences in bone mineral density were observed between honey and sucrose fed rats, although it was significantly increased in honey fed rats compared with those fed a sugar free diet.”
Other experiments show pretty clearly that it is bacterial fermentation of table sugar which causes these problems — not sugar itself.
Food and dairy should be the first choices for sugar.
But for high-density sugar supplements to those foods it’s best to stick with honey as much as possible.
—-Important Message—-
Incredible benefits from a sugar-burning metabolism
Did you know that a sugar-burning metabolism comes with these amazing advantages?
- Faster, more youthful metabolism
- More energy and stamina
- Perfect blood sugar
- Better male “rockiness” and performance
- Adds decades to your life
The problem is — most of us have fat-burning metabolisms.
Our bodies don’t burn sugar anymore and this causes all sorts of health problems.
Fortunately, I’ve discovered a solution…