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—-Important Message—-
This is the 1 position she craves (it hits all the right spots)
Do you know about this sex position that makes her come harder than she ever has before?
A position that makes it easier to hit all 3 of her hot spots at once…
A position that either tightens her grip on your manhood or allows her to open herself wide for better clit stimulation…?
This position makes up for any size deficiencies a man may have…
And it makes a man feel SO much bigger when he’s inside a woman (and what woman doesn’t love that?)
Here’s the 1 sex position she craves — it hits all the right spots
This 1 Asian spice boosts thyroid function for teenage drive
Low thyroid hormones cause hypothyroidism. In addition, it can trigger a vast range of symptoms.
Treating hypothyroidism requires being given the correct dose and the correct type of thyroid hormones.
There’s more than one type of thyroid hormone, and that matters.
Unfortunately, finding a doctor who knows how to use thyroid hormones correctly can be difficult.
Many people suffer because their basic thyroid labs look fine, but are still hypothyroid.
Research indicates that ginger can help with many hypothyroid symptoms and can also help to decrease TSH.
TSH is an indirect marker of thyroid function which is also highly inflammatory.
The human research was conducted at Shiraz University of Medical Science in Iran. This paper was published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Primary hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones.
It’s often treated by giving the storage form of thyroid hormone (T4) until TSH is reduced to a certain range.
But hypothyroid symptoms will only go away when the other thyroid hormone (T3) is in the optimal range – and treatment using T4-only to decrease TSH often doesn’t accomplish this.
This is why basic thyroid labs may look “good” to healthcare professionals who only know the basics…
…while hypothyroid patients are still suffering from symptoms.
“Primary hypothyroidism is a common disease. Some patients have persistent symptoms despite normal serum TSH levels.”
The authors of this study were interested in reports that ginger can help with a whole host of symptoms often associated with hypothyroidism.
“Ginger is reported to be beneficial in relieving similar symptoms.”
The researchers created a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to discover more.
“60 hypothyroid patients with normal TSH were randomly allocated to two equal parallel study groups of ginger (500 mg twice a day) or placebo for 30 days.”
The researchers tracked symptoms individually and used a standardized thyroid symptom questionnaire. Blood markers were tracked over time too.
“Hypothyroid symptoms were evaluated as the primary outcome using the Thyroid Symptom Rating Questionnaire before and after the intervention.”
The Thyroid Symptom Rating Questionnaire is a disease-specific questionnaire used to measure symptoms of hypothyroidism.
The researchers found that taking 500mg of ginger twice daily for about a month significantly decreased hypothyroid symptoms.
“A significant lower mean total Thyroid Symptom Rating Questionnaire score was observed in the ginger group compared to the control group.”
Ginger helped with many symptoms, including self-reported weight gain, constipation, and memory.
“Ginger led to significant improvements in the mean scores of the weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, dry skin, appetite, memory loss, concentration disturbance, and feeling giddy or dizzy.”
Body measurements showed that the participants did indeed lose weight.
The participants also lost weight around their waist – waist circumference is one of the greatest indicators of future cardiovascular and metabolic issues.
Blood lipids improved – this always happens when thyroid function improves.
One of the major causes of “high cholesterol” is hypothyroidism.
The researchers also found a decrease in TSH – TSH is an indirect marker of thyroid hormone levels, and decreasing TSH is a good thing for hypothyroid people.
TSH is also inflammatory in and of itself and has been linked to many diseases, including arthritis and atherosclerosis.
“Ginger supplementation also led to a significant decrease in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, TSH, fasting blood sugar, triglyceride and total cholesterol levels compared to the placebo.”
Hypothyroid patients must be treated with the right dose and mix of T3 and T4.
But it can be difficult to find a doctor who knows what to do in this regard – and ginger can help those who are only being treated with T4.
One thing to note is that ginger is a blood thinner, and this is potentially problematic in people who are taking other, strong blood thinners.
—-Important Message for Men Over 45—-
Previously-banned performance booster back again
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