It beat out 1700 other supplements
Matt Cook here, and I’ve come across a fascinating study where they rated 1700 different compounds…
…based on which was the most potent at extending men’s lifespans…
And the #1 top life extending compounds happens to be a rather ordinary, cheap remedy that you can get at any grocery store!
—-Important Message From Ryan Taylor—-
56 y. o. geography teacher humiliates the power companies with money-saving device
This crazy 56 year-old geography teacher in Memphis, Tennessee
believed he can change the energy world… and somehow he did it.
News travels around fast on the Internet.
This guy shows us clear as day how anyone can power their homes with ZERO cost.
This discovery has the potential to free yourself from the ever-rising costs and change the course of the electric industry.
I think you deserve to see it: watch this video
This is the #1 life extending supplement and it costs $5
Every year, vast amounts of money is pumped into anti-aging and longevity research.
It’s a huge field and novel compounds are being tested all the time.
There is the potential for massive profits for those who can identify a patentable compound which will safely increase human lifespan.
But so far, of the thousands of compounds tested, the one which comes out on top is out of patent and over-the-counter.
Animal research has shown that aspirin is almost twice as good as the next best treatment at extending lifespan in small animals.
The review of animal research was carried out at Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University in Turkey. The findings were published in the journal Biogerontology.
Although vast amounts of money have been pumped into life extension research, it’s still in the relatively early stages.
Finding out what will increase lifespan in humans is a project that will take a very long time.
This is because the human studies will have to be done over multiple human lifetimes.
The groundwork has to be done in smaller organisms with shorter life spans.
“Research on ageing and lifespan extending compounds has been carried out using diverse organisms including yeast, worms, flies and mice.”
There is a lot of research showing various compounds and techniques for extending lifespan in these organisms.
“Many studies reported the identification of lifespan extending compounds, some of which may translate into clinical potential for humans.”
I recently reported on a study which compared aspirin to a couple of different substances in terms of life extension.
Aspirin came out on top in that study.
But until now, there’s not been any attempt to categorize and rate all of the different substances which have been used in life extension experiments.
“So far, studies collectively and comparatively analysing all the data available in these studies have been limited.”
So these researchers decided to find out where the science stands on this topic.
To do this they analyzed data from the Database of Anti-Aging Treatments.
This database contains most of the research carried out on life extension.
“We used data from the… database to identify the top compounds in terms of their effects on percentage change in average lifespan of diverse organisms.”
The researchers analyzed data from thousands of papers.
Those papers had information on more than 1700 different compounds used in life extension trials.
Top 5 overall life extension substances were:
5) Rapamycin with an average life extension of 15%
4) Nordihydroguaiaretic acid with an average increase of 17%
3) N-Acetylcysteine +18%
2) Minocycline increased longevity by an average of 27%
But way out in the lead in the top spot was aspirin.
“Aspirin resulted in the highest increase in average lifespan of +52%.”
Aspirin was almost twice as good as the next best treatment, minocycline – which is an antibiotic.
Not only that, but aspirin – at least in low doses – is probably the safest compound on that list by some distance.
Low-dose aspirin has been widely used in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
But aspirin also improves energetic metabolism and lowers harmful free fatty acids – these are major reasons why aspirin acts against many of the most chronic diseases that cut short human life.
You can be certain that aspirin won’t increase lifespan in humans by as much as 50%…
But we may find that 5, 10, or even 15% life extension is possible with judicial use of one of the world’s oldest treatments.
It’s not always the case that more is better – especially with aspirin.
High doses of aspirin can cause blood thinning and may increase the risk of bleeding.
The risk of aspirin is increased when combined with other blood thinning treatments.
—-Important Message From Matt for Men Who Want to Live to 100 and Beyond—-
What is their secret? These men in their 100s drink, smoke, and have sex like they’re 25…
I’ve found a hidden group of men in the Eastern Bloc who are living well past 100, even 115 and 120… AND having great sex.
Not just good sex, GREAT sex. As if they are men in their prime, in their 20s and 30s!
And I’ve identified one single thing these older men are doing (that I am now doing myself) that leads to a very long and sexy life.
Keep in mind, these men routinely smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and eat what they want.