Once you try this, your wife or girlfriend will be surprising you with her eagerness
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—-Important Message—-
Doing 1 thing differently in the bedroom — once you try this, you’ll never go back to doing things the old way ever again
Personally, I can tell you this has changed my life.
Never in a million years did I think I would ever be able to convince my wife to want to do it 4 times in a single week…
Not after being married this long — most men would say that’s a pipe dream!
But thanks to this new way of being intimate together, my wife and I have sex several times a week, for 30 minutes or more…
And now SHE is the one eager to go to bed together because this is so enjoyable for her as well as me.
And if you’re single, it gets even better…because you can try out this new way of doing things by yourself if you want…
And instantly be improving your sexual abilities every time you try this…
It’s a whole new type of pleasure-filled experience that will excite you AND her…
This 1 vitamin can protect against a leaky brain
Leaky brain is a real thing.
There is something which is called the “blood-brain barrier” in our brain.
Its duty is to protect the brain against circulating toxins and pathogens.
Think of it as an army of soldiers that prevents harmful substances from getting into the brain.
If this barrier gets broken down, it can lead to serious problems.
Some examples are:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Brain fog
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (memory disorder)
Leaky brain syndrome may sound scary but…
It is a surprisingly common disorder which affects many people.
Chronic stress, malnutrition, and systemic inflammation are the leading causes of this syndrome.
But there is this one thing…that researchers say may be the hidden cause…
It’s vitamin B1, aka Thiamine.
Thiamine is an essential vitamin which can’t be produced in the body.
It helps the body generate energy from nutrients.
I have mentioned thiamine in previous newsletters.
How it helps to increase CO2 levels, decrease estrogen, or support cognitive function are not unfamiliar to you.
The functions of this vitamin in the body are countless.
And yet, I still discover another benefit of thiamine everyday.
It’s indeed a miracle substance.
Unfortunately, thiamine deficiency is common these days.
Because many people eat too much nutritionally-deprived food.
And they drink too much alcohol which depletes thiamine rapidly.
Thiamine deficiency can cause a range of health problems.
Fatigue, irritability, poor memory, sleep disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders are some of them.
Researchers knew that thiamine deficiency could cause cognitive problems from previous studies.
“The exact mechanism responsible for the selective vulnerability in TD remains unknown. Several possibilities have been suggested, including impaired cerebral energy production , lactate accumulation and cerebral acidosis, decreased thiamine
pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme activity, as well as glutamate and histamine mediated excitotoxicity.”
So they wanted to get to the bottom of it.
What is the reason that the lack of this vitamin can cause serious cognitive problems?
This study was carried out at Cornell University Medical College. It was published in Experimental Neurology.
In today’s study, researchers showed how a diet deficient in this vitamin can cause “leaky brain syndrome.”
The researchers induced a thiamine deficiency in a group of rats by giving them a substance which antagonizes thiamine.
After the 9th day, they started cutting out the rats’ brains and analyzing them
Before the desiccation of the brains, they saw that some rats exhibited various neurological diseases, ranging from ataxia to paralysis.
“On Day 9 or 10, rats exhibited ataxia and an impaired righting reflex. Some animals developed convulsions and opisthotonos at 11 or 12 days. On Day 13, paralysis, lateral recumbency, partially closed and watery eyes, and irregular respiration were also observed.”
After analyzing the brains, they discovered disruptions in the blood brain barrier which led to numerous problems in the brain.
“Present results show that TD (thiamine-deficiency) induced dysfunction of the BBB. Brain regions showing IgG extravasation corresponded with the neuropathological lesions induced by TD”
It is difficult to know if you have leaky brain syndrome or not…
If you display typical symptoms, you can check your diet to see if you are eating a thiamine-rich diet.
Foods high in thiamine include pork, fish, and citrus fruit.
Also don’t forget that the more you eat carbohydrates, the more you need thiamine.
If you suspect deficiency – which most people have – you can try thiamine supplements.
I prefer thiamine HCL because it is the best tolerated form.
Before doing that, don’t forget to take a look at my previous newsletters about thiamine as well.
—-Important Message—-
Watch: video blows the lid off 100-year old FDA secret
I’m blowing the lid off a very well-kept secret…
…a secret that Big Pharma and the FDA have been hiding from us for more than 100 years.
This secret has the power to turn modern medicine on its ear, if I can get it out before they silence me…
So I made this video, hosted on a private page, where I hope THEY won’t see it.
I can’t promise how long it will be up, but every man must watch this before they eat another bite of food.
And I mean ANY food…
So hurry and watch this video now to see what I’ve discovered