He’s 82 years old and lasting longer than guys in their 20s…
—-Important Message—-
This is Japan’s best male talent in “those” movies — and he’s 82 years old!
Meet 82-year-old Shigeo Tokuda, still going strong, making movie after movie…
…starring already in over 400 of “those” movies…
Find out what he is doing off camera to have such stamina at his age
Why I love my “high” blood pressure
There is a lot of research showing that the risks of high blood pressure are largely overblown.
Particularly in older people, higher blood pressure can be helpful in order to supply oxygen and nutrients to parts of the body which really need them.
Many people still want to get the blood pressure down – if only to appease their doctor.
And there are a number of underlying issues which can cause unhelpful elevated blood pressure.
One of these factors is a high phosphate to cortisol ratio in the diet.
It is impossible to avoid phosphate because it is high in most sources of dietary protein.
And so, it is important to make sure you get adequate dietary calcium…
So you can prevent harmful increases in blood pressure caused by a high phosphate and calcium ratio.
The animal experiments were carried out at the University of Cordoba in Spain. The paper was published in the Journal of Hypertension.
The authors of this study were following up on research papers which pointed toward a link between dietary phosphate and elevated blood pressure.
“There is growing evidence suggesting that phosphate intake is associated with blood pressure levels. However, data from epidemiological studies show inconsistent results.”
The researchers decided to carry out a number of animal experiments.
“The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of high circulating phosphorus on arterial blood pressure of healthy rats and to elucidate the potential mechanism that stands behind this effect.”
Rats were fed a high phosphate diet for 4 weeks.
The high phosphate diet significantly increased blood pressure.
“Animals fed a high phosphate diet for 4 weeks showed an increase in blood pressure, which returned to normal values after the addition of a phosphate binder (lanthanum carbonate) to the diet.”
The scientists followed up a number of avenues in order to be certain that it was the high phosphate which was causing high blood pressure.
Then the researchers checked parathyroid hormone levels and found that this hormone was elevated in the animals fed the high phosphate diet.
“The levels of parathyroid hormone were also higher in animals fed a high phosphate diet, and decreased when the phosphate binder was present in the diet.”
When the researchers surgically removed the gland which produces parathyroid hormone…
They found that the high phosphate diet did not cause elevated blood pressure.
The researchers concluded that blood pressure is increased by a high phosphate diet due to the diet increasing parathyroid hormone.
“The results of this study suggest that a high phosphate diet increases arterial blood pressure through an increase in renin mediated by parathyroid hormone.”
Most of the common dietary sources of protein are high in phosphate.
One of the most important factors in controlling parathyroid hormone levels is calcium.
Calcium lowers parathyroid hormone.
Meats, beans, grains and dairy are all high in phosphate, but dairy also has a lot of calcium.
Dairy foods also contain other nutrients like vitamin D which help to keep parathyroid hormone under control.
Many people are eating a high phosphate and low calcium diet.
It will cause increases in parathyroid hormone which harms the bones and dumps excess calcium into the blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis.
This dietary pattern also leads to an increase in blood pressure.
Many people are dealing with this increase in blood pressure with treatments…
Treatments that do not solve the underlying problem and which themselves can cause future health troubles.
You cannot really avoid phosphate in the diet…
But you can choose protein sources which give you adequate calcium to deal with parathyroid hormone…
Meaning your blood pressure will not be elevated by a poor calcium to phosphate ratio.
—-Important Message About Parathyroid Hormone—-
How lowering parathyroid hormone may stop penile fibrosis
Parathyroid hormone is high in most men who aren’t getting “rocky” —
- High parathyroid hormone levels cause penile fibrosis…
- Deteriorates muscle mass while promoting fat gain
- Leads to painful kidney stones…
- Increases risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia…
- Can even make the penis shrivel up and die!
And if you’re 50 or older, chances are you already have too much parathyroid hormone flooding your body.