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Saturated or unsaturated fats — which is better for men?
Acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can range from being a mild pain for a short period of time, to something life-threatening.
The pancreas makes pancreatic juices, which contain digestive enzymes we use to break down foods.
As such, it can be affected by the foods we eat.
Research shows that pancreatitis is likely triggered by unstable, unsaturated fats, the kind you find in vegetable oils and fish oils.
The cell research was carried out at the National Taiwan University Hospital, College of Medicine in Taipei, Taiwan. This paper was published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.
The researchers wanted to compare the effects of different classes of fats on the pancreatic cells which are inflamed in acute pancreatitis.
“Our aim was to investigate how the saturated and unsaturated fatty acid composition influences the susceptibility of developing acute pancreatitis.”
The pancreatic acinar cell is a type of cell in the pancreas which synthesizes, stores, and secretes digestive enzymes.
The researchers carried out cell experiments where they treated these pancreatic cells with different concentrations of different types of fats.
“Primary pancreatic acinar cells were treated with low and high concentrations of different saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.”
The researchers looked for changes in calcium levels in the intracellular fluid, this can indicate inflammation which causes pancreatitis.
They also tracked protein kinase C.
“Changes in the cytosolic Ca(2+) signal and the expression of protein kinase C (PKC) were measured after treatment.”
Protein kinase C enzymes have many different roles in the body, but dysregulation of protein kinase C is centrally involved in pancreatic problems.
“Protein Kinase C dysregulation contributes to all aspects of pancreatic disease.”
The experiments showed that unsaturated fats led to an extreme influx of calcium into the cell – a sign that things are going awry.
These fats include linoleic acid and arachidonic acid, which are commonly found in vegetable oils.
These fats also include docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is found in large amounts in fish oils.
“Unsaturated fatty acids at high concentrations, including oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and arachidonic acid, induced a persistent rise in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations in acinar cells.”
But saturated fats like those found in beef and cheese didn’t cause any trouble for these pancreatic cells.
“Unsaturated fatty acids at low concentrations and saturated fatty acids, including palmitic acid, stearic acid, and triglycerides, at low and high concentrations were unable to induce a rise in Ca(2+) concentrations in acinar cells.”
The unsaturated fats also led to an increase in protein kinase C…
…something that researchers are more and more identifying as a cause of pancreatic problems.
“Unsaturated fatty acids at high concentrations but not saturated fatty acids induced intra-acinar cell trypsin activation and cell damage and increased PKC expression.”
The research seems to show that consumption of large amounts of highly unsaturated fats damage critical pancreatic cells and lead to acute pancreatitis.
“At sufficiently high concentrations, unsaturated fatty acids were able to induce acinar cell injury and promote the development of pancreatitis.”
These types of fats cause trouble throughout the body.
This research should do something to dispel some of the older ideas about the causes of pancreatitis which are based on theory rather than research.
If you do suffer from pancreatitis, you might want to look at the amount of unsaturated fats you are consuming in the form of vegetable oils and fish oils.
Reducing your consumption of these fat significantly may prevent future bouts of pancreatitis in the long term.
“Unsaturated fatty acids may play a distinctive role in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis through the activation of protein kinase C family members.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
Has your doctor warned you about dangerous inflammatory blood fat hurting penile blood flow?
Blood fat can cause diabetes, erections problems, even Alzheimer’s…
Yet nobody is warning men about the dangers of blood fat.
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It turns out that just one TEASPOON of blood fat wreaks havoc on the male body…
And men often have MULTIPLE teaspoons of blood fat in their body…
…creating insulin resistance, low testosterone, high estrogen, manboobs, and worse…
And now I’ve finally stumbled onto a simple way to completely eliminate dangerous blood fat from the bloodstream…