Shocking proof that it improves erections quality by 442%
—-Important Message From Dr. Joe—-
This gave a man a boner for 48 hours straight
Hundreds of years ago, a rogue American militia was out exploring the new world…
And in just a few days, they are all close to death from scurvy…
Until a Native American shaman finds these men and gives them a brew so powerful…
…it not only brings them back to full health, it leaves them with RAGING erections that never seem to quit…
But this was the 1500s…and this was Puritan country…
So this shocking secret was DESTROYED by the puritans for being too tempting to men.
And the secret was lost for nearly five hundred years.
Until one very determined Ivy League doctor in Connecticut re-discovered it…
…finding shocking scientific proof to show that this brew boosts erection strength by 442%…
This 1 food can keep you from forgetting friends and faces
Declining memory and balance problems are common issues affecting people with poor health and those who are aging.
Both problems have a number of causes.
But one way to reliably induce both of these issues in experimental animals is by using bacteria.
Bacteria cause inflammation of the brain and of the inner ear which can lead to problems with memory and balance.
The body produces its own bacteria in the gut – and this bacteria can make its way into circulation…
Eventually finding its way to the brain and inner ear.
Some foods, like mushrooms, can help the body to deal with these toxic bacteria.
This may be why mushrooms can help improve balance and memory in older animals.
These animal experiments were carried out at Tufts University in Boston. The findings were published in the journal Nutrition Research.
The health of the brain and other related systems declines with age.
“Decline in brain function during normal aging is partly due to the long-term effects of oxidative stress and inflammation.”
… At least it seems to be due to the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation.
For sure, brain problems and balance problems are associated with inflammation.
But leaky gut syndrome – causing bacterial poisoning – causes inflammation.
And numerous experiments have shown that these bacteria themselves cause harm to the brain and the inner ear.
Mushrooms contain antioxidants which can help with oxidative stress.
But mushrooms also contain unique fibers which help to absorb bacteria in the gut.
These bacteria then rather than being absorbed into the blood where they can cause trouble.
“Several fruits and vegetables have been shown to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.”
In these experiments, the researchers wanted to find out whether mushrooms could offset the effects of aging on memory and balance issues.
As people and animals get older we tend to become leakier.
More bacteria passes through the gastrointestinal walls and into general circulation.
“This study investigated the effects of dietary mushroom on mobility and memory in aged rats.”
The researchers fed groups of rats similar diets but with different amounts of supplemental mushrooms.
One group got no mushroom supplement at all and they were used as a baseline comparison group.
“Rats were randomly assigned to receive diets containing differing amounts of white button mushroom.”
After 8 weeks on the experimental diets, they put the rats through a series of tests.
These tests looked at balance and stability as well as memory.
“After 8 weeks, a battery of behavioural tasks was given to assess balance, coordination, and cognition.”
Rats eating lots of mushrooms ate more food than the other animals.
But they didn’t gain weight.
This may be because the mushrooms were increasing their metabolic rate.
The researchers found that the rats eating a moderate amount of mushrooms fared best in terms of memory and balance.
Rats eating the human equivalent of about 1.5 ounces of fresh mushrooms had superior balance and memory…
…compared with rats which got no mushrooms and compared to those who ate very large amounts of mushrooms.
“Rats in the 0.5 and 1% group stayed on the balance beam longer. Only rats in the 0.5% mushroom diet group showed improved performance in working memory.”
The 0.5% mushroom group equates to about 1.5 ounces of mushrooms for humans per day.
“The dose that produced improvements in balancing memory was 0.5%, equivalent to about 1.5 ounces of fresh mushrooms for humans.”
Don’t misunderstand the term “fresh mushrooms”.
This does not mean raw or anything close to it.
Mushrooms must be well cooked in order to be safe to consume.
Cooking does not destroy the beneficial fibers or other unique nutrients contained in mushrooms.
“The inclusion of mushrooms in the daily diet may have beneficial effects on age-related deficits in brain and motor function.”
These “age-related deficits” are probably largely caused by increased leaking of gut bacteria into the rest of the body.
This eventually reaches the brain and inner ear, causing balance and memory problems.
These bacteria can be absorbed and removed by mushroom fiber.
—-Important Message About Adding Length and Girth—-
Do you know how some guys swear by those penile stretching exercises?
Sometimes they can work, but they are really time consuming and can result in injury.
And they don’t add to what you have. They simply stretch it a bit.
I met a man who used a VERY different approach…
He had a VERY large unit, and showed how he started out very small.
He showed me potent herbs found deep in the jungles of Columbia, and explained how he grew bigger and thicker down there…
He said that this formula can even produce bigger, tastier loads, the kind girls love to swallow…
Discover the ancient recipe that gets girls’ eyes bulging with desire when they see what’s “lengthening” between your legs…