What foods to eat and which to avoid

—-Important Message—-
Beware the killer lipid lurking in the U.S. food supply
Nearly 100 years ago, manufacturing companies started contaminating food with a toxic killer chemical…
And now today, it’s in almost every single food item we eat.
It’s in fast food, organic food, so-called “healthy” foods — every single food at the grocery store is full of this toxic chemical.
And it’s doing terrible things to men’s bodies…
Unfortunately, there’s almost no way to avoid eating this killer chemical nowadays. It’s in too much of the food supply.
But I’ve finally discovered a way to safely destroy this killer lipid once it enters our bodies — BEFORE it gets in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc in our cells and organs…
This exotic diet gives men perfect pressure and strong boners
Nutritionists often break fat down into three major groups.
These are saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.
There is much debate over the health effects of these three different groups of fats.
Monounsaturated fats are perhaps the least controversial. Most people agree that these are good (or at least not so bad.)
Olive oil is the most well-known food which is high in monounsaturated fats.
Recent research has found that consumption of monounsaturated fats is associated with a significantly lower risk of high blood pressure.

The research was carried out at the 1 Center for Biomedical Sciences, Korea National Institute of Health, Cheongju, Korea. The results were published in the journal Nutrients.
The researchers set out to find the relationship between monounsaturated fats and the development of high blood pressure.
“We investigated the effects of dietary monounsaturated fatty acids on new-onset hypertension in the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study.”
Information was taken from the study which began in 2003. Over 1,500 records were assessed in the course of the research.
“1,529 subjects were included in the final analysis.”
The participants of the study completed very detailed food questionnaires describing their diet.
“Dietary assessments were collected using a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to check the consumption frequency and serving size of 103 food items.”
From these questionnaires, the researchers calculated the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids consumed by the participants.
Blood pressure was taken at the first assessment.
All of the participants were then reassessed a number of times over the course of four years.
“During the 4-year follow-up period, 193 new-onset hypertension incidences were observed.”
The researchers used this information to calculate the relationship between monounsaturated fat intake and the risk of developing high blood pressure.
People who consumed more monounsaturated fats had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure.
“The highest monounsaturated fat intake group was inversely associated with the risk of hypertension compared with the lowest monounsaturated fat intake group.”
People who consumed the most monounsaturated fat were only half as likely to develop high blood pressure as those who consumed the least.
The researchers believe that monounsaturated fats, like those found in olive oil, could help to prevent the development of high blood pressure.
“We confirmed that dietary monounsaturated fat intake had protective effects against hypertension.”
A number of previous studies showed a similar effect — monounsaturated fats were associated with a lower risk of blood pressure.
“Accumulating evidence has shown that dietary monounsaturated fats are associated with cardiometabolic risk factors (such as blood pressure, hypertension, or CVD incidence).”
But those studies were limited to Europe and the United States.
“However, most of these studies have been conducted in the United States and Europe, and limited information is available for the Asian region.”
This is the first study to show the seeming benefits of monounsaturated fatty acids on hypertension risk in Asia.
“Notably, in the present study, the high monounsaturated fatty acid intake reduced the incidence of hypertension risk by about 51% in South Korea.”
The Mediterranean diet is relatively high in monounsaturated fats.
This diet is also associated with a lower risk of blood pressure and cardio metabolic disease.
It’s not yet clear whether the benefits associated with monounsaturated fats are due to those fats themselves or some other factor.
It could be that when people eat more monounsaturated fats they also tend to eat less of the harmful polyunsaturated fats.
Until this question is answered it seems best to replace polyunsaturated fats with monounsaturated, rather than simply adding extra monounsaturated fat to the diet.
Other studies have shown beneficial compounds in olive oil, aside from the monounsaturated fat. This further complicates things.
What is very likely though, is that replacing vegetable oil with high quality extra virgin olive oil will have far better health outcomes.
—-Important Message—-
Men who consume these foods have perfect blood pressure and tremendous rockiness

Why are these foods so good for male health?
Because they contain 5 important nutrients that open up the arteries and improve blood flow…
And when men have good blood flow, blood pressure normalizes on its own…
And erections gets stiffer and longer-lasting than ever.

Protective Effects of Dietary MUFAs Mediating Metabolites against Hypertension Risk in the Korean Genome and Epidemiology StudyThis