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This East Asian supplement helps men sleep through the night
Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid. It is found in small amounts in many foods.
In recent years, people have been experimenting with purified supplemental ornithine.
A number of studies have found impressive results from the amino acid.
One of the benefits of ornithine seems to be improving sleep and energy levels.

This human study was carried out by researchers at Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan.
The results were published in Nutrition Research.
In late 2010 through early 2011, Japan sent a team of researchers to Antarctica.
Because of its position at the very southern tip of the planet, Antarctica has seasonal extremes in daylight hours.
During the period the researchers spent in Antarctica, they were exposed to very long days.
At least one day consisted of a full 24-hour period of daylight.
Human sleep cycles are controlled by a number of factors — and light is one of the major determinants of sleep.
So, visiting the Antarctic during these periods of very long days will cause sleep disturbances.
The researchers decided to supplement with ornithine during the Antarctic expedition to see its effect on sleep quality.
“Japanese Antarctica Research Expedition members were examined, and a randomized double-blind study of ornithine for 4 weeks was performed.”
The scientists were split into two groups with 11 people in each group.
One group took 400mg of ornithine per day. The other group took an inactive placebo.
The scientists were unaware whether they were taking ornithine or placebo.
The scientists completed detailed questionnaires about their sleep quality.
“Sleep conditions were evaluated subjectively by the Oguri-Shirakawa-Azumi questionnaire.”
Before they set off for Antarctica the researchers spent four weeks in Australia.
During this period they began taking the ornithine or placebo supplements.
When the researchers reached Antarctica sleep began to deteriorate.
“Sleep deteriorated during the stay in Antarctica.”
But the scientists taking ornithine had significantly better sleep than those who are not taking.
“In Antarctica, ornithine improved sleep compared with the placebo group.”
Ornithine has become an increasingly popular supplement in Japan. Perhaps because of its ability to improve sleep.
The researchers concluded that ornithine can improve sleep in people under stress.
“Ornithine is effective for people with heavy physical workloads in places such as Antarctica.”
One of the major causes of poor sleep these days is exposure to strong blue light.
The Antarctic sun provides massive amounts of strong blue light constantly.
Ornithine has the ability to improve sleep even when people are exposed to a lot of blue light.
The amino acid supplement can also improve sleep in the general population. As shown by research conducted one year after the polar expedition.

This human study was carried out by Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa in Japan. The results were published in the Nutrition Journal.
Following on from the polar research and experiments using ornithine in stressed animals, these researchers proposed that ornithine could lower stress and improve sleep in everyday people.
“We speculated that ornithine may play a role in the relief of stress and improve sleep and fatigue symptoms in humans.”
The researchers recruited 52 slightly stressed Japanese workers. Those participants were split into two different groups.
One group took 400mg of ornithine per day. The other group took an inactive placebo.
“Fifty-two apparently healthy Japanese adults who had previously felt slight stress as well as fatigue were recruited to be study participants.”
The parameters of this study were very similar to the polar research. This study also ran for a total of eight weeks.
This time the participants completed three different sleep questionnaires.
“Perceived mood and quality of sleep were measured by the Profile of Mood States, Athens Insomnia Scale, and Ogri-Shirakawa-Azumi sleep inventory MA version.”
Again, ornithine was found to improve sleep.
“Ornithine supplementation has the potential to relieve stress and improve sleep quality related to fatigue, both objectively and subjectively.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
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Ornithine ingestion improved sleep disturbances but was not associated with correction of blood tryptophan ratio in Japanese Antarctica expedition members during summer.
Randomised controlled trial of the effects of L-ornithine on stress markers and sleep quality in healthy workers.