Use this to get her into your bed tonight
—-Important Message From Dr. Ryan Drake—-
How to meet a girl and end up in bed with her the same day
Hi, I’m Ryan Drake, and I’ve been studying the laws of attraction between men and women for many years…
And believe it or not, women like one-night stands too… in fact, many women love them!
And I’ve found one technique that consistently and easily gets men one-night stands…
…and it works so well, you can have your choice in seeing her again — or not!
I’m revealing the single technique that is working for thousands of men in this video — watch it before it’s gone
Special warning for men taking this common treatment
Many people in the United States and around the world take antidepressants.
These are treatments like Zoloft, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Desyrel, Celexa, Prozac, and Cymbalta.
I’m not a big fan of these treatments because, with the exception of Wellbutrin, they can completely diminish your sex drive.
But beyond these types of treatments causing sexual function issues in both men and women, they can be very hard to discontinue using.
Stopping antidepressants has been so difficult for many people that it now has a name – Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome.
Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome (ADDS) is a new entity in DSM-5 in the category of ‘treatment’-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of ‘treatment.’ Symptoms generally begin 2–4 days after abrupt discontinuation of antidepressants taken continuously for at least 1 month. ADDS is often seen during taper or after missed doses with short half-life agents, such as paroxetine and venlafaxine.
The symptoms of ADDS can be pretty bad…
Here is one story of a woman who presented with ADDS symptoms.
A 22-year-old woman presented to the emergency department during the flu season with flu-like symptoms that had persisted for 3 days and reported intense anxiety and sadness, dizziness with movement, insomnia, nausea, periodic “electric shock” sensations and seeing flashes of light. A week prior, she had stopped taking 150 mg venlafaxine.
Once she started taking the venlafaxine again, the symptoms disappeared.
Her symptoms resolved when venlafaxine was reintroduced. It was then tapered over 4 weeks and switched to 5 mg vortioxetine. One year following remission, vortioxetine was discontinued over 2 weeks without onset of discontinuation symptoms.
This woman was able to taper down the antidepressant treatments over time and get off them completely without withdrawal symptoms…
But this type of reaction can be fairly severe.
One of the really bad things about ADDS is that it can make it look like you are having a relapse of depression…
…when in reality, it’s withdrawal symptoms.
This can cause people to be on depression treatments MUCH longer than needed.
ADDS can also include worsening symptoms of the original illness and can be mistaken for a relapse.
And the longer you take antidepressants, the more likely you are to experience problematic withdrawal symptoms.
The risk also appears to be higher for those who have taken antidepressants for 8 weeks or longer
These types of withdrawal symptoms also aren’t rare.
Up to 40% of patients who quit antidepressants cold turkey get some kind of withdrawal symptom.
Symptoms that fit the FINISH mnemonic (flu-like symptoms, insomnia, nausea, imbalance, sensory disturbances, hyperarousal), can be experienced by up to 40% of patients upon abrupt antidepressant discontinuation.
Frustratingly, even though patients have been reporting withdrawal problems with psychotropic treatments since the ‘50s…
It took until 2019 until there was real “official” acknowledgment of this problem.
The first reports about withdrawal appeared in the 1950s, but although patients have been complaining about psychotropic withdrawal problems for decades, the first tentative acknowledgement by psychiatry only came in 1997 with the introduction of the ‘antidepressant-discontinuation syndrome’. It was not until 2019 that the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists, for the first time, acknowledged that withdrawal can be severe and persistent.
The bottom line is that if you want to get off of any kind of psychotropic treatment, especially antidepressants…
…you shouldn’t do it cold turkey.
You should make sure that you always work with your doctor to taper off the treatments gradually.
That way you have a lower chance of withdrawal symptoms.
—-Important Message for Naturally Boosting Mood—-
Boosting oxytocin this way increases feelings of love and intimacy for you and her
I’ve discovered a hormone more powerful than serotonin or dopamine…
It’s called oxytocin and scientists refer to it as the “love hormone” because it makes you feel good from the inside out.
And it gets even better because…
…oxytocin increases the amount of pleasure you feel during sex…
So if you can boost oxytocin, you can boost pleasure… for you AND for her…
And more oxytocin will also improve mood, increase trust, and make you feel more intimately connected to your partner.
So here’s what I recommend — simple oxytocin-building activities for single men and couples