Are you taking this?
Matt Cook here, and most people assume that if a treatment is available over the counter, it’s perfectly safe…
But that’s not the case with most over-the-counter treatments.
Like super common pain relievers that most people keep in their medicine cabinet…
Chances are, you’ve taken 200mg or more of this treatment already today…
And now we know the truth about what it’s really doing to men’s bodies.
Make sure you see this before you take another pill…
—-Important Message From Jesse Cannone—-
Is Big Pharma hiding this new pain reliever?
New – a pain reliever that works, that you can keep taking without getting addicted…and that has ZERO side effects…
…but of course, Big Pharma is keeping it from you and me…
Now, this man dares to challenge Big Pharma…here is the new pain reliever that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about
This common pain reliever stops the testicles from producing testosterone
Testosterone levels have been dropping rapidly over the last few decades.
Men are becoming less masculine – and low testosterone also has brutal effects on overall health.
Prostate problems, psychological issues, and metabolic diseases like type II diabetes and the metabolic syndrome are intricately linked to low testosterone.
It’s a complicated issue – there are many factors which are causing men to get sick from low testosterone.
One of these is ibuprofen – the common anti-inflammatory painkiller.
Ibuprofen prevents the testicles from producing adequate testosterone.
If a man has symptoms of low testosterone – or has low testosterone labs – the first question should be whether he is taking ibuprofen.
The treatment is meant to deal with pain and inflammation – but testosterone itself is anti-inflammatory.
Taking this treatment for extended periods of time will probably increase the problems it is alleged to treat.
The human research was carried out at the University of Copenhagen and other European institutions. The findings were published in The Proceedings of the National Academy Of Sciences of the USA.
Reproductive problems, including those linked to low testosterone in men have been increasing at a rapid rate in recent years.
“Concern has been raised over increased male reproductive disorders in the Western world, and their disruption of male endocrinology has been suggested to play a major role.”
Testosterone is produced in the testicles – as is sperm.
This is one of the reasons why reproductive problems, infertility, and low testosterone tend to go hand in hand.
We have known for some time that some over-the-counter painkillers (analgesics) can cause reproductive and hormonal damage…
Including to male children if their mothers take those treatments while pregnant.
“Several studies have shown that mild analgesic exposure during fetal life is associated with demasculinizing effects and congenital malformations.”
The developing fetus is very susceptible to harm from environmental toxins and treatments…
But the researchers were unsure whether pain-killing treatments like ibuprofen could cause hormonal and reproductive problems in adult males.
“The effects on adult men remain largely unknown.”
To find out more, the researchers carried out a study on young healthy men.
They looked to see if ibuprofen lowered testosterone – and if so, how.
“We carried out a clinical trial with young men exposed to ibuprofen.”
The researchers found that ibuprofen caused something called “compensated hypogonadism”
Hypogonadism means clinically low testosterone.
Compensated hypogonadism simply means that the low testosterone is caused by a direct effect on the testicles.
“Ibuprofen resulted in a clinical condition called “compensated hypogonadism,” a condition prevalent among elderly men and associated with reproductive and physical health problems.”
You see, hormones produced in the pituitary gland send a signal to the testicles to produce testosterone.
(The signal for more T is luteinizing hormone.)
Often, when men have low testosterone, this signal is interrupted – rather than a direct effect on the testicles themselves.
But in the case of ibuprofen use, the signaling (luteinizing hormone) is unaffected.
The problem occurs further down the chain, in the testicles themselves.
In men taking ibuprofen, luteinizing hormone levels increased.
This should lead to an increase in testosterone levels. But it didn’t.
“Luteinizing hormone and ibuprofen levels were positively correlated, and the testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio decreased.”
The pituitary gland is calling for more testosterone production – but the testicles are not responding to luteinizing hormone.
The researchers carried out a number of other experiments using cells.
Ibuprofen was affecting proteins which are used in the production of testosterone – explaining the direct effect of the treatment on the testicles and testosterone levels.
“Endocrine capabilities from testicular Leydig and Sertoli cells were suppressed through transcriptional repression. This was also observed in another steroid cell line.”
The research is quite clear, ibuprofen lowers testosterone levels by blocking testosterone production at the level of the testicles.
You should be very selective in your use of pain-killing treatments.
If you’re suffering with a lot of pain and inflammation…
You might be better off investigating your hormones rather than relying on seemingly safe, over-the-counter pain treatments.
These are not harmless pain-killing treatments – far from it.
—-Important Warning About Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers—-
Here’s why I no longer use any of these common over-the-counter pain relievers and use this Healing Element instead
It’s not just ibuprofen that lowers men’s T…
I’ve discovered that acetaminophen is just as bad for men, if not worse.
Acetaminophen lowers men’s T, diminishes a man’s pleasure, and increases the risk of certain cancers.
And it’s hiding in many other Big Pharma treatments, while secretly poisoning the gut and liver.
So instead of using any of those dangerous pain relievers, I’m using something else…
…a natural pain-stopping element that destroys the enzymes that cause inflammation in the joints…
I call it the Healing Element and it actually RAISES men’s testosterone while obliterating pain (and it’s as safe as table salt)