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Men take this for aches and pains without a second thought. But it may decrease masculinity and fertility, and speed up aging. It may even cause heart disease…
—–Important Message—–
Lower your blood pressure naturally (and get your sexual performance back on track at the same time).
I found out that my lack of hard-ons was due to the man-killer treatments my doctor had given me for blood pressure.
Those Big Pharma treatments KILL erections…
So, I decided to get rid of my high blood pressure naturally, so I could get my doctor to take me OFF those drugs.
I did THIS daily when I woke up and in the evening before bed.
In just two days, this simple 45-second activity lowered my pressure by 5 points, and then by another 5 points.
The 45-second activity works by opening up the blood vessels.
It has long-lasting effects and restores normal blood pressure.
This common pain reliever may be causing your heart disease.
Ibuprofen is a relatively common over-the-counter painkiller in the class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
Ibuprofen has been in use since the late 1960s.
Since the introduction of ibuprofen, male fertility has decreased.
A shocking new study has indicated that ibuprofen may have a causal role in this.
This study was conducted by an alliance of European universities and it was published in the journal PNAS.
While looking for the cause of decreasing male fertility, these scientists became interested in ibuprofen.
Their interest in ibuprofen came about due to previous experiments showing that the drug can affect the fertility of males if their mother had taken it while pregnant.
“Several studies have shown that mild analgesics exposure during fetal life is associated with antiandrogenic effects… But the effects on the adult man remain largely unknown.”
To find out if these effects were relevant to adult men, the researchers conducted a trial in which men were given ibuprofen.
The men were tested to see if there were any changes in their fertility markers.
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And the study found that ibuprofen negatively affected male fertility.
Young men using ibuprofen had the hormonal and reproductive profile of old men.
“Ibuprofen in young men resulted in the clinical condition named ‘compensated hypogonadism’ – a condition prevalent among elderly men and associated with reproductive and physical disorders.”
This pain drug affected male hormones negatively – in a dose-dependent manner.
“In the men, luteinizing hormone (LH) and ibuprofen plasma levels were positively correlated – and the testosterone/LH ratio decreased.”
In another part of the experiment, scientists took cells from the testicles (testis explants) and placed them in an artificial growth medium.
These testicle cell cultures were then exposed to ibuprofen and compared with unexposed samples.
Ibuprofen lowered the performance of the cells that produce testosterone (Leydig cells) and the cells that produce sperm (Sertoli cells).
“Using adult testis explants exposed or not exposed to ibuprofen, we demonstrate that the endocrine capabilities from testicular Leydig and Sertoli cells, including testosterone production, were suppressed through transcriptional repression.”
Ibuprofen makes men less fertile and less masculine.
The scientists then tested cultures of the cells that produce critical steroid hormones in the body that are important for masculinity, health, anti-aging, and fertility.
And these experiments on human steroid-producing cells showed that ibuprofen lowered markers of fertility and masculinity.
“This effect was also observed in a human steroidogenic cell line.”
The combination of these in-depth experiments led the authors of the paper to conclude that ibuprofen causes suppression of male hormones.
This is a syndrome called hypogonadism.
“The complementary results revealed that ibuprofen induces a state of compensated hypogonadism by modifying hormonal profiles through selective repression of gene expression.”
The negative effects of ibuprofen on the hormonal profile of the men in the study increased over time.
“We found an 18% decrease in the ibuprofen group (compared with the placebo group) after 14 days – and a 23% decrease after 44 days.”
The damage to male hormones was consistent throughout the study…
There was no sign of rebound or recovery while ibuprofen was being given.
“Ibuprofen induced a state of compensated hypogonadism during the trial, which occurred as early as 14 days and was maintained until the end of the trial at 44 days.”
The study tested some of the other important hormones related to aging.
DHEA and pregnenolone are key protective hormones that slow aging down.
Ibuprofen lowered essential anti-aging hormones too.
“Ibuprofen generally inhibited all steroids from pregnenolone down to testosterone. Production of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was below the limit of detection except in one experiment with DHEA.”
The study used 600 mg of ibuprofen twice a day for the 44-day period. And that is a common and realistic dosage.
This study shows that ibuprofen could decrease masculinity, decrease fertility, and speed up aging in men.
You should speak to a healthcare professional about pain management strategies.
——Important Message——-
Here’s how to recover your testicles and testosterone even if you’ve had problems with your sexual performance for a long time…
I discovered a simple little brew that you drink in the morning and it can double your testosterone and wake up your penis.
The sun won’t be the only thing that gets up in the morning…
This simple little brew fixes a penis that has plaque buildup that prevents ANY decent hard-ons…

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