All men have this prehistoric biological reflex
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—-Important Message—-
This caveman technique makes a man last as long as he wants
Think about what it must have been like back in the caveman days…
Do you think those guys ever cared about how long they lasted with a woman?
Probably not, right?
They were too busy trying to survive and populate the species.
And that’s how I stumbled onto this prehistoric breakthrough about lasting longer…
It has to do with a biological reflex that all men have that dates back to our caveman days…
Bubbles or no bubbles?
Carbon dioxide is produced in cell mitochondria when we turn fuel into energy.
We breathe in a gas mix that is high in oxygen and exhale one that’s higher in carbon dioxide.
So carbon dioxide has become known as a waste gas.
But when you look a little bit deeper you see that the body has a vast amount of uses for carbon dioxide.
It’s not a waste gas – we need plenty of carbon dioxide in the body to keep things ticking over properly.
Decreased metabolism – low energy production – leads to low carbon dioxide.
And low carbon dioxide makes it more difficult to produce energy efficiently.
There is a vicious cycle there.
Low metabolism is clearly linked to gastrointestinal problems, including constipation.
Constipation is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism – low thyroid hormones leading to low metabolism and low CO2.
So, when I see research showing that drinks containing carbon dioxide improve gastrointestinal health, I’m not at all surprised.
Drinking carbonated water can have significant effects on indigestion and constipation in just a couple of weeks.
The human research was carried out at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Naples, Italy. This paper was published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
“This study aims to assess the effect of carbonated water intake in patients with functional dyspepsia and constipation.”
The researchers carried out experiments on people who had dyspepsia (indigestion) and constipation.
The participants were randomly split into 2 groups.
“Twenty-one patients with dyspepsia and secondary constipation were randomized into two groups in a double-blind fashion.”
The 2 groups drank different types of water during the course of the 2 week experiment.
Some drank tap water and the others drank carbonated water.
“One group drank carbonated water and the other tap water for almost 15 days.”
Indigestion and constipation were evaluated by questionnaires before and after the experiment.
The researchers also used high-tech scanning methods to follow the movement of food through the digestive system.
“Patients were evaluated for dyspepsia and constipation scores, and underwent a satiety test by a liquid meal, radionuclide gastric emptying, sonographic gallbladder emptying and colonic transit time, using radio-opaque markers.”
Drinking carbonated water led to a significant decrease in indigestion.
“The dyspepsia score was significantly reduced with carbonated water (before = 8, after = 5.5) and remained unmodified after tap water.”
Carbonated water also led to a significant reduction in constipation scores.
No changes were seen in the group that drank tap water.
“The constipation score also decreased significantly after carbonated water (16 vs 12) and was not significantly different with tap water.”
There was also a significant improvement in gallbladder emptying in the people who consumed carbonated water for 2 weeks.
“Gallbladder emptying was significantly improved only with carbonated water.”
The researchers also found a decrease in satiety in the carbonated water group.
“In patients complaining of functional dyspepsia and constipation, carbonated water decreases satiety and improves dyspepsia, constipation and gallbladder emptying.”
There are a lot of claimed benefits to consuming carbonated water.
A lot of people dismiss these claims as empty marketing for a novelty product.
But when you understand the importance of carbon dioxide to biology, then these claims don’t seem silly at all.
Increasing carbon dioxide helps the body to produce energy more efficiently.
And energy production is the base of human health.
We know that low energy is a problem in all sorts of health problems…
There are numerous studies showing this is particularly the case in gastrointestinal disorders and especially in constipation.
So there really is no mystery or no surprise regarding the benefits of carbonated water in the digestive system.
—-Important Message About Sex Until 120—-
Eastern bloc discovery = mind blowing
I discovered a hidden group of men living in the Eastern Bloc…
…who are living well past 100, even 115 and 120 — and having great sex.
My Russian is rusty, real rusty…
But when he wrote “быстро метаболизм” even I could see where this was going…and I’m glad I did.
Go here and see this amazing discovery that lets these men live to 115 or 120 or more and still “do it” with their wives or girlfriends.