It safely overcomes her estrogen dominance, making her libido spike
Matt Cook here, and when women go through a change in life, their libido usually plummets.
It’s not their fault – and it’s not your fault either.
It’s because of what’s called estrogen dominance taking over her body.
Fortunately, there’s something safe and natural that can bring her libido back…
And it not only benefits her, but you as well…
—-Important Message From Purality Health—-
This one nutrient boosts your testosterone by 25% instantly
Almost no man on Earth realizes that his low T is caused by this one nutrient deficiency…
Which means you don’t need shots, you don’t need pills, patches, or any of that stuff…
All you need is more of this one vital nutrient that every single cell in your body benefits from.
A nutrient that 90% of men are right now deficient in.
Here’s the missing nutrient – boosts T by 25% instantly while giving men’s health and erections a major lift
This can get your wife or girlfriend wanting to do it more
Sexual desire can drop in men and women over a certain age.
But there are many things that we can do to maintain a healthy and potent sex life into our later years.
Men can use DHEA, testosterone, and DHT to maintain a healthy sex life.
Women also have options – but many of these options are actually harmful – and research has shown that the safer option is actually more effective.
A high quality human trial showed that low-dose DHEA supplementation is more effective at reducing women’s sexual desire than inflammatory, estrogenic alternatives (HRT).
The year-long human study was carried out at the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Pisa in Italy. The findings were published in Climacteric.
It used to be the case that sexual desire was thought to be completely controlled by psychological factors.
Many factors affect sexual desire – but hormones may be the most important.
“Sexual desires affected by endocrine (hormonel) and psychosocial factors.”
When a woman enters menopause there are major changes in hormones.
This is often seen as simply an estrogen deficiency – but is far more complicated than this…
In reality, it may be more accurately called estrogen dominance.
You see, although blood estrogen levels drop, a lot of estrogen is retained inside the cells of the body.
And the other primary female hormone (progesterone) also drops.
In fact, the ratio of estrogen to progesterone actually goes up. (Estrogen becomes dominant)
It is true that using more estrogen can increase sexual desire in older women.
But this comes with a whole host of risks – as estrogen is inflammatory and can trigger things like fibrosis and cancer.
This study evaluated a number of different estrogens against DHEA in menopause symptoms, including sexual desire in women between the ages of 50 and 60 years old.
“Women with climacteric symptoms were randomized into 3 groups receiving either DHEA, or oral estrogen + progestin, or oral tibolone.”
Progestins are chemical hormones which look like progesterone but act like estrogen.
Tibolone is a combination of estrogen and progestin.
So in effect we have DHEA versus different combinations of synthetic estrogenic substances (HRT).
DHEA is a natural hormone produced in the body – younger people produce far more DHEA – it has been called a “youth-associated hormone”.
DHEA is a precursor to the major sex steroids in the body.
Because of this it can have rejuvenative effects via a number of mechanisms.
The body can use low doses of DHEA in a number of different ways to improve overall health.
The study found that both DHEA and the synthetic estrogen combinations increase sexual desire and sexual function in women over 50.
DHEA was far more effective than any of the synthetic estrogen combinations known as HRT.
“Groups receiving DHEA or HRT reported a significant improvement in sexual function but DHEA treatment was most statistically significant.”
All groups saw an increase in sexual desire and sexual intercourse…
But DHEA had the most potent effect. And it is by far the safest, especially in the relatively low doses used (10mg orally per day).
“Daily oral DHEA therapy at a dose of 10 mg provided a significant improvement in sexual function and frequency of sexual intercourse in early postmenopausal women.”
Low doses of DHEA have proven to be extremely effective in many age-related disorders in both men and women.
5 to 10mg of DHA per day has profound benefits for most people over 50.
But it is not the case that more DHEA is better – at least when taken orally.
The body tends to convert higher doses of DHEA into more estrogen – which causes problems in men and women.
Lower doses tend to be converted into anti-inflammatory and anti aging hormones associated with youth.
DHEA is a relatively safe and effective therapy for sexual desire and sexual function and other age-related disorders in both men and women.
—-Important Message For Men With Low Drive—-
If your wife has a low sex drive, let me talk to her for 3 minutes — I guarantee you, everything will change
Hi, I’m Lisa and I have a really high drive for a woman.
Always have and always will 😉
If I could talk to your wife or girlfriend, I may be able to change her mind about how she views sex and intimacy…
And it may completely change your life for the better 😉
Like just the other night, I caught myself on the verge of doing something really naughty…