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Most men find that their metabolism falls and falls as they age.
In this newsletter, I am going to show you how you may be able to reverse this fall in your metabolism.
The master hormone for the metabolic rate is the thyroid hormone.
Thyroid hormone is quite complicated, but there are two primary hormones you need to pay attention to.
These are T4 and T3.
T4 is the “storage” form of thyroid.
T4 is not very active at all.
But T4 turns into T3 in the body, primarily in the liver.
And T3 is very active.
I call T-3 the active thyroid hormone.
However certain diets can suppress the thyroid hormone.
And suppressed thyroid hormone will lower your metabolism.
So let’s begin with blood fat.
Blood fat is what I call free fatty acids that enter the blood when we are fasting or when we are not eating enough sugar.
This blood fat has a lot of bad effects on the body.
It can cause insulin resistance, and this can lead to diabetes.
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Blood fat causes low testosterone and decreased sex drive.
Plus, it produces chemicals that cause inflammation throughout the body.
And now we find out in this study that blood fat also lowers metabolism
The blood fat comes from whatever you have been eating.
As you may remember, there are three types of fat:
- Saturated fat
- Monosaturated fat
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFAs)
In this study, they found that thyroid hormone is disabled in the blood in the presence of blood fat.
And the worst blood fat comes from the PUFAs.
PUFAs disable the thyroid hormone the most.
And in sick people, the effect was even more pronounced of PUFAs suppressing the thyroid.
It is concluded that free fatty acids (blood fat) are able to displace both T4, T3 and rT3 from their serum binding proteins in healthy subjects as well as in patients with nonthyroidal illness.
This points to even more importance to PUFAs that are stored in fat.
So if you eat a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, you have these in your fat cells for years.
And whenever you fast for any reason (sleep) or eat poorly, PUFAs poor into you blood.
These PUFAs then disable your thyroid hormone.
And this is how you get a chronically low metabolism.
With this in mind, here’s what I would do now.
A low-fat diet that can deplete your cells of fat much more quickly than you would otherwise.
This is a “get it out and over with” approach to getting PUFAs out of your stored fat, into the bloodstream, and then out of the body.
And it can help you raise your metabolism back to youthful levels.

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