I’m calling this my Abs Revealer, LOL…

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Since the 1930s, natural doctors have been on a quest to find the “Holy Grail” of pain relief…
I’m talking about a remedy that blesses you with the pain-killing rush of opioid drugs like morphine… but without the risk of addiction or overdose.
Little did they know, a Columbia University MD already found the “Holy Grail” back in the 1970s.
You see, this doctor uncovered a powerful, natural painkiller… that works with your body’s natural mechanisms to renew your achy joints from the inside out.
And in fact, it’s so effective at stopping pain…
Even some mainstream doctors are now saying it’s better than morphine — yet safer than aspirin!
Skeptical? Well, right now I’ll show you all of the evidence.
Here’s how to use this Columbia doctor’s discovery to be PAIN FREE in as little as 24 hours.
This 45-second tick turns excess fat into lean muscle mass
There are a lot of myths out there right now when it comes to what “ideal” fitness should look like.
From what you eat to how much you work out, there are so many theories and pieces of advice.
It can lead to a lot of people just getting frozen and doing nothing.
That’s a terrible thing, because there are so many things you can do to take control of your health that are relatively easy to deal with and don’t force you into impossible body standards.
In my opinion, both men and women are encouraged to be WAY too skinny.
Men are encouraged to have “abs,” but honestly that low of a body fat percentage isn’t super healthy and I think it can be dangerous.
This ideal has changed substantially just over my own lifetime.
Movie stars didn’t used to be fat, but had substantially more “padding” on their bodies than what is currently considered ideal.
That’s true for both men and women.

Here’s Cary Grant and Mae West in the film I’m No Angel and you can see that they aren’t super skinny and ripped.
I’m not sure when standards started changing, but men now worry about body standards that aren’t super achievable, and are pretty bad for them.
The reality is that having a bit of padding and “lean mass” is far better for your health than being too skinny.

A study coming out of UCLA shows that the real challenge to health is having enough “lean mass” not having too much body fat.
Men who had high muscle mass and high body fat decreased their risk of dying from disease over those with low muscle mass and low body fat.
Among men, on the other hand, while having high muscle mass and high body fat decreased their risk by 26% (compared to those with low muscle mass and low body fat), having high muscle mass and low body fat decreased their risk by 60%.
And those who had high muscle mass and low body fat decreased their risk even more!
What I take from this is that it’s important to protect the lean mass in your body.
Lean mass is your organs and your muscles, and it’s something that many traditional diets can decimate.
By protecting your lean mass and making sure you have enough muscle mass you can reduce your risk of disease…
…without having to meet some insane body beauty standard that’s not particularly healthy or good for you!
—-Important Message for Men Who Want More Lean Muscle Mass—-
Thermo 3 lets you burn up to 1800 calories a day while sitting on the couch

How does it work? It’s called mitochondrial uncoupling.
And it converts excess calories and fat directly into heat and carbon dioxide.
So instead of having to do wearying tedious exercise to get rid of fat, the fat simply burns off on its own…
It’s like you become a raging inferno…you feel warmer and the fat is burned off steadily and completely.
And you naturally start building more lean muscle mass without working out.
Here’s how to use Thermo 3 to “breathe the fat out” and get more lean muscle mass