And it lowers blood sugar and BP
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and have you been feeling fatigued lately?
Any stiffness or muscle soreness?
If you found yourself nodding to any of those, then there’s a good chance you’re one of the millions of men low in this critical mineral…
Here’s how to get more of this mineral in your diet – and also give your heart and metabolism a big boost too…
This 1 mineral slashes heart attack risk
Magnesium is probably the most important dietary mineral alongside calcium.
The benefits of magnesium are almost endless…
But you rarely find studies which look at more than one blood marker or health issue related to magnesium.
However, researchers at the University of Minnesota took a comprehensive look at the effect of magnesium intake on metabolic and cardiovascular disease.
They found that people with lower levels of magnesium had higher fasting insulin, blood sugar, and blood pressure.
These metabolic problems are believed to cause cardiovascular disease.
And the researchers also found that people with lower levels of magnesium had far greater incidence of cardiovascular problems.
The human research was carried out at the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. The findings were published in The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
The researchers looked at information from over 15,000 participants between the ages of 45 and 64.
They were recruited from 4 different communities in the United States.
All the participants carried out a food frequency questionnaire.
The dietary questionnaires were analyzed, and researchers estimated how much magnesium they consumed.
The researchers then looked at the health records and analyzed blood tests from all of the participants.
They looked at markers of cardiovascular disease and metabolic health, as well as blood magnesium levels.
“We examined the relationship with magnesium and cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, insulin, blood sugar and carotid intimal-media wall thickness.”
(Carotid intimal-media wall thickness is an assessment of blood vessel structure – used to diagnose and grade atherosclerosis.)
People who had lower levels of magnesium in the blood were more likely to have cardiovascular disease.
“Blood magnesium was significantly lower in participants with cardiovascular disease.”
Magnesium is essential for the health of the cardiovascular system.
Blood magnesium is also closely related to blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
Those with lower levels of blood magnesium were more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes.
“Serum magnesium levels were significantly lower in people with hypertension and diabetes than in people free of those diseases.”
Even in people who had not developed cardiovascular disease…
…there were clear signs that magnesium can protect against the metabolic problems which often precede cardiovascular problems.
“In participants without cardiovascular disease, magnesium levels were inversely associated with fasting insulin, fasting blood sugar and systolic blood pressure.”
Magnesium has an almost endless list of benefits for metabolic and cardiovascular health.
The researchers found an increase in carotid intima-media thickness in women with lower levels of magnesium.
This marker of atherosclerosis got worse with decreasing levels of blood magnesium.
They didn’t find any effect of magnesium on this particular factor in men.
“Carotid wall thickness increased in women with decreasing magnesium levels.”
The study clearly shows the profound and widespread metabolic and cardiovascular problems that can be caused by a magnesium deficiency.
“Low serum and dietary magnesium may be related to the etiology of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.”
The conclusion is correct…
But it’s really just the tip of the iceberg regarding the importance of magnesium for metabolic and cardiovascular health.
It’s not just these 2 systems which depend on magnesium. Every part of the body has a pressing need for this essential mineral.
If you have any health problems mentioned in this article…
…it will be worth your while to analyze your diet to see if you are getting adequate magnesium.
It’s one of those nutrients which is rather simple to supplement if you cannot get enough from food.
You just have to choose the appropriate form of magnesium for you.
—-Important Message About Magnesium—-
5 foods that boost manly magnesium
Magnesium gets overlooked a lot…
…yet it is one of the most important minerals us guys can have in our bodies.
Scientists studying men with higher levels of magnesium have found it correlates with:
- 50% reduction in cancer deaths
- 40% decrease in all cause mortality
- 24% less risk of pancreatic cancer
And men with higher magnesium levels also experience:
- More energy and stamina
- Less bone fractures
- Better sleep
- Bigger, stronger muscles without working out
- Less heart problems
- Normal blood pressure
And did you know magnesium also increases male blood flow?
It relaxes the blood vessel walls, widening the arteries so more blood can flow through.
That’s why erections often improves when men get more magnesium.
But I don’t recommend men get magnesium from a supplement — instead it’s better to get magnesium from real food…
So now the question is: which foods should a man eat for more magnesium?
I’ve done my research and found 5 foods that are high in magnesium…
…including 1 food that provides nearly 75% of the magnesium a man needs all on its own.
And to make it even easier for you, I’ve combined all 5 of these foods into 1 delicious shake.