The root of your male health starts in your gut
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Woman gasps, “all he used was his fingers”
Hi, I’m Isabella…

And as I peeled off my skin tight dress, his fingertips began gently exploring my body…
His hand slowly made its way up my inner thigh and grazed my mound.
I took a deep breath in and allowed myself to relax…
As he started to apply the Butterfly Technique, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I lost control of my breathing.
My hips began to writhe, my back arched, and the muscles between my legs contracted involuntarily.
I could hear myself moan as I dug my nails deeper into his chest.
I began to buck wildly as if riding a crazed bull in the rodeo.
My moans became screams, and I was sure the neighbors could hear me from all the way down the block.
I didn’t care. I just didn’t want him to stop.
Then I came. HARD. Harder than I ever had before.
A wave of pure ecstasy washed over me, as my juices flowed down his fingers.
Still shaking, I could not believe it but I had just experienced the most intense, body-quaking O of my life…
And when I looked into his eyes, I saw a level of confidence I had never seen before…
These hidden gut problems undermine men’s rockiness
Having a healthy gut is something I’m almost obsessive about.
That’s because your overall health is directly linked to your gut health.
If your gut is healthy then you are MUCH more likely to be healthy.
How it works is that when your gut health gets out of whack it causes chronic internal inflammation, and chronic internal inflammation drives SO many diseases in our bodies.
These are diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arterial stiffening.
Having a bad gut can also dramatically affect your sexual performance.
In fact, good gut health is so important that researchers are currently studying how good gut bacteria can reduce the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
This is interesting research, and I’m very glad that gut health is FINALLY starting to get the attention it deserves in the medical community.

This research studies the effect that chemotherapy has on the microbiome.
The microbiome is incredibly important to good health. These are the bacteria that live primarily in your gut and on your skin.
Studies have shown that for kids, having chemotherapy can mess with their microbiome and can lead to bad health consequences later on in life.
Chemotherapy-related microbiome changes in children are linked to health complications later in life — including obesity, asthma, and diabetes.
In my experience though, adults get similar problems when they have chemotherapy treatments.
That’s because chemotherapy kills good microbes in your gut as well as cancer cells.
I’ve seen guys who have had chemotherapy end up with pretty severe health consequences for quite a long time afterward.
“Chemotherapy ‘treatments’ do not differentiate between killing cancer cells and killing microbes,” Hartmann said. “Microbes in your gut help digest your food and keep you healthy.
Toxicity is a well-known problem with cancer treatments.
They can and do get rid of cancer, but they are toxic to the rest of the body.
In this research that’s coming out of Northwestern University, the researchers made “mock guts” and tested whether different strains of gut bacteria could help reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy on the gut.
Usually bioremediation applies to groundwater or soil, but, here, we have applied it to the gut. We know that certain bacteria can breakdown toxic cancer treatments. We wondered if, by breaking down ‘treatments,’ these bacteria could protect the microbes around them.
What they found is that a specific bacteria called Raoultella planticola can break down chemotherapy treatments and help protect gut bacteria.
Hartmann’s lab learned from Raoultella planticola. Naturally occurring in the human gut in low abundances, Raoultella planticola can break down chemotherapy ‘treatment’ doxorubicin, which has been demonstrated in other research.
In the future, this research could help cancer patients experience fewer side effects from chemotherapy treatments.
“There are several eventual applications that would be great to help cancer patients — particularly pediatric patients — not experience such harsh side effects,” she said.
This research is very much geared toward developing specific treatments based on these good bacteria and that hasn’t happened yet.
But I think an important takeaway is that our gut health is incredibly important.
Especially if you are going into something that is going to significantly affect it like chemotherapy or high doses of antibiotics.
By taking care of your gut microbiome, you can help to prevent disease and decrease the negative effects of some of the more aggressive types of medical interventions.
Men with erections problems can often fix the problem by fixing their gut.
—-Men with erections problems — fixing gut problems — Important Message—-
The link between your gut microbiome and rockiness
If your gut is full of toxins, your penis is going to be full of these toxins too.
In fact, all of your organs get exposed to these toxins as they build-up in your gut.
And a penis full of toxins isn’t going to get very rocky or last very long…
So you have to clean not just the gut but the whole body free from toxins.