Studies show loss of drive, loss of stamina, and trouble getting rocky are all common in men who take these prostate treatments…

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Men: these are the top 3 ingredients you need for a healthy prostate
Top ingredient #1: saw palmetto berries
The University of Michigan Health says this helps regulate DHT and protect the prostate from inflammation.
Top ingredient #2: Graviola leaf
Thought to work by forcing cancer cells through the normal cell “death cycle” which stops the cancer from forming and spreading.
Top ingredient #3: unique Japanese mushroom trio
These 3 mushrooms, Maitake, Reishi and Shiitake, can help naturally boost protective testosterone levels that are good for the prostate.
And they’ve also been proven to have incredible health properties by one study in the Journal of Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity!
Here’s how to get these 3 top prostate ingredients in one simple natural tablet
These are the prostate treatments that are causing men problems in bed
Prostate problems cause a great deal of discomfort for many men.
Many treatments which deal with the symptoms of enlarged prostate are big sellers.
But these treatments come with a long list of significant side effects.
Researchers have looked into the relationship between one class of prostate treatments and male sexual problems.
Treatments like finasteride and dutasteride lower the male hormone DHT by decreasing an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.
The researchers found that these types of prostate treatments massively increase the risk of erections problems and loss of sex drive.

The research which analysed previous human studies was carried out at Italian universities. The paper was published in the journal Andrology.
There are two main types of treatment used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia — the enlarged prostate.
One of these classes of treatments is called five alpha reductase inhibitors. They work by blocking an enzyme which turns testosterone into DHT.
DHT is a very important male hormone — but it has been wrongly blamed for causing prostate problems and baldness.
As you might expect, treatments which lower key male hormones are suspected have some effect on a mans sex life.
“The popularity of inhibitors of 5α-reductase (5ARIs) is limited by their association with adverse sexual side effects.”
The authors of this study wanted to know whether these treatments actually did cause male sexual problems — or if it was just a myth.
So they set about collecting all of the high quality research previously done on the subject.
“Only placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials evaluating the effect of 5ARI in subjects with benign prostatic hyperplasia were considered.”
They combined data from high quality human studies and analysed it for any possible link between these treatments and sexual problems.
“The aim of this study was to review and meta-analyze currently available randomized clinical trials evaluating the rate of sexual side effects in men treated with 5ARIs.”
The researchers retrieved data from over 45,000 participants in 17 different studies.
They found that these prostate treatments increase the risk of being diagnosed with poor erections by almost 50%.
“5-alpha-reductase inhibitors led to an increased risk of ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
The treatments were also linked to a similar decrease in sex drive.
Men who were taking finasteride or dutasteride for benign prostatic hyperplasia were 54% more likely to be diagnosed with clinically low sex drive.
“5-alpha-reductase inhibitors were associated with an increased risk of hypoactive sexual desire.”
Prostate problems are not caused by high levels of DHT.
These prostate issues are caused by low metabolism, high estrogen, and pathogenic bacteria.
DHT is an essential hormone for men.
And low levels of DHT doesn’t just affect sex drive — it’s also essential for mental health.
It really shouldn’t be a surprise that treatments which lower male hormones cause sexual problems. Just do a search for “post finasteride syndrome” or “PFS.”
“The data shows that the use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors significantly increases the risk of ‘penile’ dysfunction and hypoactive sexual desire in subjects with benign prostatic hyperplasia.”
Given the mechanisms involved and the large amount of data analysed in this study, I think we can safely say that these treatments do cause male sexual problems.
The researchers recommended that patients be informed of the common side effects of these treatments.
“Patients should be adequately informed before 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are ‘given.’”
Many men have found out about the severe side effects of these treatments over the last few years.
Some of the side effects can last for quite some time after cessation of use.
Yet there is plenty of research showing that the root causes of swollen prostate can be dealt with.
In many cases there is no need to use risky treatments to suppress symptoms.
—-Important Message—-
Warning: this common treatment increases risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia by 84%
This is quite shocking — common depression meds are being linked to a huge increase in dementia cases…

And it gets worse if you are older — and it continues to get worse the longer you take them…
And now they’re starting to find the same results with other popular treatments, like Benadryl for instance!

And who knows what other treatments are doing the same thing to men’s minds and memories…

Sexual dysfunction in subjects treated with inhibitors of 5α-reductase for benign prostatic hyperplasia: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis