Better blood flow to the heart, to the brain, and to the penis
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Here are 3 positions women always crave (they hit all the right spots)
Do you know about these 3 sex positions that drive a woman wild with pleasure?
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See these 3 sex positions she craves — they hit all the right spots
These 2 vitamins can help men get better blood flow
Hey, Matt Cook here, and angina is a type of chest pain which can also spread to the shoulders, arms and neck.
It can be quite severe, and is caused by inadequate blood supply to the heart.
Most of the time angina is harmless – but even then it can cause major disruptions to your life.
Many people do not know that dietary and supplement choices can have a major effect on this disease.
Researchers in Scotland showed that vitamin C and vitamin E have a major role in the fight against angina.
The human research was carried out at the University of Edinburgh IN Scotland. The paper was published in Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences.
This study was carried out after other research indicated that there may be a low level of vitamin C and vitamin E intake in Scotland.
“Cross-cultural studies suggest that low plasma antioxidant levels contribute to the high incidence of coronary heart disease in Scotland.”
The researcher started by mailing out a questionnaire to people who had been diagnosed with angina.
“125 cases of angina without reported history were identified by a postal chest pain questionnaire from a sample of men (35-54 years).”
The researchers had access to blood tests from these people which were analyzed for vitamin levels.
They also took into account other factors which may play into angina.
The researchers compared these different factors in people with vs without a diagnosis of the condition.
“Blood lipids, blood pressure, smoking, and relative weight and plasma vitamins were measured in angina (125) and healthy controls 430).”
The researchers discovered that the vitamin E to cholesterol ratio was decreased in people who had been diagnosed with angina.
“Vitamin E/cholesterol ratio was lower in angina than in controls.”
They also discovered that the other major antioxidant, vitamin C, was lower in the blood of people who had a positive diagnosis of the disease.
“Plasma vitamin C was also lower in angina than in controls.”
People with the worst vitamin E to cholesterol ratio were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with angina.
“The relative risk of angina for those in the lowest versus those in the highest quintile of the vitamin E/cholesterol ratio distribution was 2.2 to 1, irrespective of other risk factors.”
There was a similar effect for vitamin C.
Those with the lowest levels of vitamin C were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with a heart condition.
“The relative risk of angina for those in the lowest versus those in the highest quintile of plasma vitamin C was 2.6 to 1, and the increased risk was also independent of classical risk factors except smoking habit.”
The study shows a strong and clear relationship between vitamin C and vitamin E levels and angina.
People with lower levels of these nutrients are more likely to be diagnosed with the heart condition.
“Low plasma vitamin E predisposes to angina, and smoking may increase the risk of angina by lowering plasma vitamin C levels in Scottish men.”
It is a good idea to increase intake of vitamin C in the case of angina by consuming more fresh, ripe fruit.
The best way to increase vitamin E levels is to take a broad spectrum vitamin E supplement like the one produced by IdeaLabs called TocoVit.
Vitamin E supplements can thin the blood and this should be taken into account by anyone taking aspirin, proteolytic enzymes, or blood thinners.
—-Important Message—-
These 5 delicious foods give men more vitamin A and vitamin E for better blood flow
I’ve discovered 5 tasty foods that deliver the perfect amounts of key nutrients men need to keep the arteries clear and open.
Like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2, and a few others.
Because if the arteries start to narrow, blood flow will suffer…
And men with blood flow problems almost always struggle to be romantic with a woman.
Not to mention the stress on the heart, and all the other health problems that start with bad blood flow.
So protect your blood flow with these 5 delicious foods — just 2 or 3 of them are enough to boost things down there!
P.S. One of the biggest signs of having a blood flow problem is high blood pressure! Luckily, these 5 foods fix that too…