The truth about coffee and a man’s heart

Is your daily caffeine hurting your heart and your manhood?


Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’ve uncovered a surprising secret about coffee that most guys don’t know.

We all know it’s good for giving us a morning boost – but is it good for your heart health?

This study shows that coffee might actually be affecting male heart in many ways…

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Use these drops down there to make it bigger

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I’ve created natural drops that allow men to embiggen their male members…

And just a FEW drops is all it takes…

Also, a little goes a LONG way.

It works by using your own body’s natural prohormones to boost all the important male hormones like testosterone and DHT.

And when men have high male hormones, they have fuller members.

Here’s how to use the natural drops


The truth about coffee and a man’s heart

Coffee is a remarkable health-giving substance.

But western culture has had a strange cultural relationship with coffee from the get go.

Initially, when coffee was first imported to Europe, it was seen as something of an elixir of life in some places.

Early reports from the coffeehouses of France treated the brew almost as if it was a potent psychedelic.

Perceptions of coffee vary a lot over time – and in recent decades there has been somewhat of a puritanical view of coffee.

There is an idea that because coffee makes you feel good then it must be bad for your health.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Coffee improves gastrointestinal health and cardiovascular health, and even though it contains a potent stimulant (caffeine)…

…coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiac arrhythmia.

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The human research was carried out at the University of Melbourne in Australia. This paper was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

There is a lot of evidence that people who consume coffee have lower rates of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular deaths.

This study was designed to look at the effects of different types of coffee on these types of outcomes.

“The impact of different coffee preparations on cardiovascular outcomes and survival is largely unknown.”

The researchers used information taken from medical databases in the United Kingdom.

They looked at ground caffeinated, instant caffeinated, and decaffeinated coffee consumption.

Coffee consumption was also broken down according to the amount of coffee consumed.

“Coffee subtypes were defined as decaffeinated, ground, and instant, then divided into 0, <1, 1, 2-3, 4-5, and >5 cups/day, and compared with non-drinkers.”

The researchers looked at cardiovascular disease outcomes, including heart disease, heart failure, and stroke.

“We analyzed for cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease, cardiac failure, and ischaemic stroke were compared for coffee intakes.”

They also looked at the likelihood of having cardiac arrhythmia, developing any type of cardiovascular disease and death from any cause.

The research included data from almost half a million people who were trapped for over a decade on average.

“A total of 449,563 participants were followed over an average of 12 years.”

Many people suffer with heart rhythm issues known as arrhythmias.

If you do a quick internet search of cardiac arrhythmias, you will see that caffeine is listed as one of the major triggers.

This may seem like a logical assumption to us – but the research indicates that this is probably a cultural bias.

Only caffeinated coffee was associated with significantly lower risk of cardiac arrhythmia.

“Ground and instant coffee consumption was associated with a significant reduction in arrhythmia at 1-5 cups/day but not for decaffeinated coffee”.

Indeed, people who consumed relatively large amounts of coffee had more significant reductions in the risk of arrhythmia.

Those drinking 4 to 5 cups a day were 17% less likely to suffer the condition.

“The lowest risk was 4-5 cups/day for ground coffee [HR 0.83] and 2-3 cups/day for instant coffee (HR 0.88).”

Similar to findings from other studies, this study showed a significant reduction in cardiovascular disease for both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

“All coffee subtypes were associated with a reduction in incident CVD (the lowest risk was 2-3 cups/day for decaffeinated and instant coffee vs. non-drinkers.”

Death from all causes was also significantly lower in coffee drinkers – with those who consumed 2 or 3 cups of ground coffee per day having a 27% lower risk of death.

“All-cause mortality was significantly reduced for all coffee subtypes, with the greatest risk reduction seen with 2-3 cups/day for decaffeinated (HR 0.86); ground (HR 0.73); and instant coffee (HR 0.89).

The findings on cardiovascular disease and overall mortality are not surprising as they’ve been seen in many, many similar studies before.

But the fact that caffeinated and only caffeinated coffee is associated with reduced risk of cardiac arrhythmia may surprise some.

“Ground and instant but not decaffeinated coffee was associated with reduced arrhythmia.”

I believe that the long-term consumption of caffeinated coffee has systemic benefits which will inhibit the factors that cause arrhythmia in the first place.

I do, however, think it’s possible that caffeinated coffee could trigger existing arrhythmia due to its stimulant effect.

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The secret fat-burning experiment Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about

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It was the year 1933, and in a small lab at Stanford University, something extraordinary was happening…

Two brilliant researchers, Dr. Maurice Tainter and Dr. Windsor Cutting, were about to turn the world of weight loss upside down with a groundbreaking discovery.

They called it “Thermo 3.”

This mysterious treatment allowed men to literally breathe out their fat, without changing their diet or exercise habits.

Imagine that… eating whatever you want, never setting foot in a gym, and still watching the pounds melt away effortlessly.

It seemed too good to be true.

But the results spoke for themselves.

Men were losing up to 3 pounds of fat per week, building lean muscle, and even reporting increased energy and improved rockiness.

Thermo 3 quickly took the world by storm.

It was hailed as a “miracle cure” and a “magic bullet” for weight loss.

But then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, Thermo 3 vanished.

Pulled from the shelves. Banned. Buried.

The powers that be couldn’t let this secret get out. It was just too powerful.

But what if I told you that the secret behind Thermo 3 was never really lost?

That there’s a way to unlock its fat-burning potential, without tablets or chemicals…

…using a simple 45-second trick?

And what if I told you that this trick could help you melt away belly fat…

…build muscle, boost your testosterone…

…and even improve your intimacy with your wife?

Well, that’s exactly what I’m about to share with you.

But I have to warn you… this information is controversial.

It goes against everything the weight loss industry wants you to believe.

And there’s no telling how long I’ll be able to keep this online before it gets shut down.

So if you’re ready to discover the secret that’s been buried for over 80 years that’s called Thermo 3 – click here now.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
The impact of coffee subtypes on incident cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias, and mortality: long-term outcomes from the UK Biobank