Please think twice about intermittent fasting…

Matt Cook here, and “eat less, move more”… You’ll lose fat this way, right?
Well actually no. You won’t lose fat that way…
This study shows men the truth about fasting.
And what you should really be doing if you want more muscle and less fat…
—-Important Message From Matt—-
Warning: limiting this one food can give you prediabetes and diabetes
There’s one food that men are told to avoid eating if they want to avoid blood sugar problems…
But what if I told you that avoiding this one food actually GIVES men blood sugar problems, even full blown diabetes?
Crazy but true.
Whatever you do, don’t limit this one food if you want to avoid diabetes…
The problem with fasting if you are a man over 40 years old
Fasting is becoming a more and more popular approach to weight loss — but it is completely wrongheaded.
Over the years I have seen many people attempt various different types of fasting.
Initially, they seem to improve — but in the medium to long-term, their metabolism tanks and they get fatter and sicker.
A recent animal study explains some of the things that occur during fasting.
In the experiments, fasting animals were able to maintain visceral fat — a type of fat that accumulates around the organs. Visceral fat is belly fat.
What’s more, analysis showed that the body was preparing itself to accumulate even more fat when fasting ended.
Fasting can seem beneficial initially, it can trick people, but over the long term is a real bad idea.

The animal experiments were carried out at the University of Sydney in Australia.
The findings were published in Cell Reports.
Adipose tissue is another name for fat. But there are different types of adipose tissue.
The type of fat which sits just under our skin is called subcutaneous fat.
It’s very different from visceral fat, the adipose tissue which surrounds her organs and which causes belly fat.
“The response of each type of adipose tissue to fasting is currently poorly defined.”
This experiment was designed to see whether fasting had different effects on different types of fat tissue.
“We explore the response of key adipose deposits to every-other-day fasting in mice using proteomics.”
Proteomics is the study of proteins.
By looking at changes to a number of key proteins, the researchers can get a good handle on what’s going on during fasting.
During the experiments, mice were put on every other day fast.
This is something which is becoming increasingly common in people who are trying to lose weight.
There are many other different variations on fasting — known now as intermittent fasting — all of which have similar effects.
The researchers found that during fasting, the body seemed to protect belly fat.
This type of fat is known as visceral white adipose tissue.
Belly fat (visceral white adipose tissue) can be broken down, dissolved, by a process called lipolysis.
But fasting prevented lipolysis of belly fat.
“Every other day fasting down regulates lipolysis specifically in visceral white adipose tissue.”
Belly fat is triggered by inflammation, bacteria and hormonal problems — it’s not something that can be fixed by starving yourself.
While some of the subcutaneous fat, the fat just under the skin, is lost during fasting — the body seems to work to protect much of its fat stores — including the big belly that everyone hates.
“We discovered striking changes which are important for the preservation of visceral lipid stores during every-other-day fasting.”
The author of the study believes that these changes could lead to complete resistance to weight loss induced by fasting.
“Results suggest that visceral fat can adapt to repeated fasting benefits and protect its energy store, this type of adaptation may be the reason why visceral fat can be resistant to weight loss after long periods of dieting.”
People who do fasting and other types of crash dieting over long periods of time get sicker and sicker.
These practices will damage their metabolism, meaning they gain weight more easily and find it more difficult to lose fat.
The smart way to lose weight is to increase your metabolic rate — make it so that your body uses more energy at rest.
Exactly the opposite happens during fasting and crash diets — the body starts to use less energy and store more fat.
The body is going into starvation mode and it is protecting its stores of fat in order to keep you alive during periods of low caloric intake.
The researchers also discovered that much of the fat tissue began to increase its synthesis of new fat.
So even though some fat tissue was breaking down, it was also increasing the rate at which it created new fat — something which will lead to fat gain after fasting.
—-Important Message About Increasing Metabolic Rate—-
This metabolic shake restores a hot, fast teenage metabolism in men

I’ve perfected a delicious shake that contains nutrients men need to speed up their metabolic rate.
So with just a few sips, you are feeling warmer, more energetic, more alive as a man…
And when it comes time to be with your wife, you are rockier than ever and can last 30 minutes or more…
Just like when you were a young man, except now things are even better.

Proteomics analysis of adipose depots after intermittent fasting reveals visceral fat preservation mechanisms