This is why I never use supplements containing nitric oxide…
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—-Important Message About Avoiding Heart Attack—-
The nitric oxide hoax — what all men need to know
Unfortunately, I’ve heard from thousands of men who have suffered heart attacks…
…and they all had one thing in common.
They were all taking heart meds and cholesterol-lowering treatments that were supposed to keep that from happening.
Turns out, those treatments can make heart problems WORSE.
Unfortunately, many men have to discover this the hard way… but you don’t have to…
This thyroid hack can help you avoid heart attacks
Your thyroid gland produces a number of hormones – but by far the most important is one called T3.
T3 is the active thyroid hormone – the one that your body needs to produce energy and maintain health.
But if you know anything about thyroid labs you know about TSH.
TSH is a hormone that should reflect levels of T3 in the blood – but it is not always accurate.
When T3 levels are low but TSH levels are normal, this is called nonthyroidal illness or low T3 syndrome.
It can cause a lot of health problems and will go undetected if you are only looking at TSH.
For example, low T3 increases the risk of a heart attack and the risk of heart failure.
What is more, heart failure and heart attack are associated with low T3 because this stress causes thyroid hormone conversion problems.
A full thyroid panel is one of the first things you should do if you have health problems and do not know the root cause.
The review of prior research was carried out at Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow, Poland. The paper was published in the Polish Medical Journal.
High or low thyroid hormones are well known to cause all sorts of problems – including cardiovascular issues.
“It has been proven that either excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones has a harmful influence on the cardiovascular system function.”
Stressful health problems like heart attack and heart failure mean that the body has trouble converting stored thyroid hormones into the active thyroid hormone.
And this may not show up in a TSH test – you could have normal TSH but low T3 – low T3 syndrome.
“Severe systemic conditions like myocardial infarction or severe heart failure may affect thyroid hormone secretion and their peripheral conversion, leading to low T3 syndrome.”
There are a number of enzymes (deiodinases) which convert thyroid hormones around the body.
These are affected by stress in a way that leads to low T3.
“Amongst many mechanisms causing T4 to T3 conversion disturbances, an important role is played by decreased activity of D1 deiodinase and increased activity of D3 deiodinase.”
(D1 converts T4 into T3 whereas D3 turns both into inactive metabolites.)
At the same time, animal research has shown that the structure of the heart is strongly influenced by thyroid hormones.
Cardiomyocytes are heart muscle cells.
“The animal research confirmed that thyroid hormones influence cardiomyocyte phenotype and morphology.”
Thyroid hormone (T3) protects the heart by lowering inflammation…
…preventing excess death of heart cells and helping to rebuild the structure of the heart after a heart attack.
“They inhibit inflammation, apoptosis and cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction.”
Numerous studies have shown that the active thyroid hormone is a predictor of long-term health in people with cardiovascular problems.
High-normal levels of T3 predict greater longevity and better health.
“It was also proven that free T3 similarly to brain natriuretic peptide predict long-term prognosis in chronic and acute heart failure patients.”
To recap on what they covered in the paper:
- T3 (the active thyroid hormone) is essential for cardiovascular health.
- People with cardiovascular problems may have trouble converting T4 into the active form, T3.
- Low levels of T3 may not be picked up by basic thyroid labs (the TSH test).
This form of hypothyroidism (low thyroid) is known as low T3 syndrome or nonthyroidal illness.
This unseen hypothyroidism can be a cause of further cardiovascular problems – possibly leading to death.
“The influence of low T3 syndrome on the course of myocardial infarction and heart failure may have a significant impact on the future research on treatment depending on the patient’s thyroid status.”
A full thyroid panel is one of the most important tests you can do.
—-Important Message—-
How CID5920 fires up the thyroid and adds decades of healthy lifespan
Your thyroid is actually the gas pedal of the human body…
And almost all men find their thyroid levels fall as they reach 40, 50, and beyond.
Thankfully, a secret natural hormone called CID5920 fires up the thyroid fast.
So in just 2 weeks, the thyroid is working better and faster.
And you start seeing and feeling the difference all over your body…
With energy levels, muscle tone, cravings, T levels — even erections quality improves!
Here’s how to get CID5920 and naturally boost thyroid (and add decades to your life)