I’m not sure why this didn’t get more attention. Maybe because the research was done in Iraq. Not the easiest place to do research in the world, right?
It can’t be easy doing this kind of research anywhere.
They take the best-known medication for ED, the panacea for ED, and they show very convincingly that in rats anyway, it produces a low sperm count, low sperm health, and, most interestingly, damage to the testicles.
It also may solve a puzzle, which is why the ED drugs often stop working, or don’t work at all.
The study was very simple. They gave rats fairly large amounts of that ED drug that starts with a V.
they didn’t give them like huge amounts either. They gave them large amounts for their size, being rats. But they didn’t stuff them to the gills with so much that it was completely toxic. Not at all.
And what they found was quite convincing.
First of all, when sperm approach and egg, changes happen, like a little cat at the end of the sperm comes out, and reveals some important sperm tissue underneath the cap.
It’s kind of like showing your hair if you take off your hat. It’s part of the process of the sperm successfully fertilizing the egg, the sperm taking off it’s little hat and exposing itself to the egg.
This is called the acrosome-reaction.
And it only happens once.
If it happens too soon, before the sperm meets the egg, the sperm is useless. It must react when it is trying to enter the egg, and not before.
With this drug administered, the sperm took their cap off too soon. Resulting in very low fertilization rates.
And even worse was the finding that the rats experienced
Testicle damage!
Significant testicle damage including damage to the cells that produce male hormones such as testosterone, the Leydig cells.
We don’t know whether this would happen in human testicles or not, but I would bet that it will, and that it does.
And the Big Pharma complex tries to keep these sorts of studies away. But some studies have confirmed these findings.
The use of sildenafil citrate may adversely affect male fertility
And, perhaps, even worse, testicle damage and lowered rates of testosterone yet to be studied.
Click for more information on Sildenafil citrate, for Vitality & Relationships information, or for information about Sildenafil citrate side effects.