A friendly challenge for you…
—-Important Message—-
Can you make a woman orgasm in 30 seconds?
I’ve discovered a simple fingering technique that is guaranteed to make a woman cum in 30 seconds or less.
Thousands of men are already using it…
And now I hereby challenge you…
(Extra points if you make her come more than once!)
Trust me, you’re going to LOVE this…and so will she…
This cheap OTC tablet slows the progression of emphysema by 50%
Emphysema is a lung condition where the small air sacs which exchange gasses in the lungs become damaged, making it difficult to breathe.
It is one type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
One potential way to improve emphysema symptoms is to increase blood flow supply to the small air sacs – so that they work more efficiently.
Researchers at Columbia University wondered whether aspirin could help with emphysema…
Because aspirin affects blood platelets and so could improve blood flow to the lungs.
The study showed that aspirin slowed the progression of emphysema symptoms by 50% over a 10 year period.
Fewer than 1 in 4 emphysema patients were taking aspirin…
And it only takes a little bit of aspirin to significantly slow the progression of emphysema.
The human research was carried out at Columbia University, New York. The paper was published in Chest.
“Platelet activation reduces pulmonary microvascular blood flow and contributes to inflammation; these factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of COPD and emphysema.”
Platelets are active in the blood and one of their jobs is to help with blood clotting.
Platelet activation makes blood thicker.
But thinner blood may help with lung problems…
Because it can increase blood flow through tiny blood vessels to the small air sacs which are responsible for gas exchange in the lung.
“We hypothesized that regular use of aspirin, a platelet inhibitor, would be associated with a slower progression of emphysema and a slower decline in lung function.
The researchers enrolled people between the ages of 45 and 84 to see whether aspirin would have any effect on their emphysema in the long term.
The researchers had a pretty liberal definition of regular aspirin use.
Anyone who used even 1 low-dose aspirin (81mg) for 3 or more days per week was considered an aspirin user.
“Regular aspirin use was defined as 3 or more days per week. At baseline 22% of the 4,257 participants used aspirin regularly.”
The researchers looked at the effect of aspirin use on the progression of emphysema over the years…
And they took into account other factors which are well known to affect this common lung disease.
“Mixed-effect models adjusted for demographics, anthropometrics, smoking, hypertension, blood pressure ‘treatments’ and inflammation.”
The authors found that emphysema increased by 0.6 percentage points over the time period in question.
“On average, percent emphysema increased 0.60 percentage points over 10 years.”
But there was significantly less progression in emphysema in people who are taking aspirin regularly.
Emphysema progressed by only 0.34 in aspirin users – compared with the progression of 0.6 in the study overall.
“Progression of percent emphysema was slower among regular aspirin users compared with patients who did not use aspirin (-0.34%).”
The study showed that even very small doses of aspirin – 81mg just 3 times per week…
Were effective at slowing the progression of emphysema.
“Results were similar in smokers and with doses of 81 mg to 325 mg and were of greater magnitude among those with airflow limitation.”
In the final analysis, the researchers found that just a little aspirin slows the progression of emphysema symptoms by 50%.
“Regular aspirin use was associated with a more than 50% reduction in the rate of emphysema progression over 10 years. Further study of aspirin and platelets in emphysema may be warranted.”
Low-dose aspirin is really very safe and has a whole host of other benefits.
The only major caution is for people who are taking other blood thinners which can amplify the blood thinning effect of aspirin.
—-Important Message About Boosting Male Blood Flow—-
Here’s my new blood flow shake that’s nearly doubled my penile blood flow
Thanks to this shake, I’m getting hot, pumping blood flow everywhere in my body…
…especially in my member where it’s plumping up and looking bigger than ever…
My wife even commented on how much thicker I felt inside her — and this was just a week after drinking this shake!
The reason it works is because it contains 5 vital nutrients for great blood flow.
These 5 nutrients open up my arteries and increase blood flow, and it even lowers my pressure naturally.
Here’s my new blood flow shake – try it and let me know how it goes!