Most men are making this mistake with women without even realizing it…
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—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-
The dumbest mistake men keep making during intercourse
There’s 1 single MAJOR mistake men make when it comes to intercourse…
A man may screw up in other areas…
A man may have the tiniest unit in the whole town…
But whatever it is, he should never do this to any woman:
The dumbest intercourse mistake (and what to do instead)…
This makes her orgasm last for a minute… and then stretches it for the next 4. (That’s 5 full, glorious minutes!)
How progesterone can help prevent strokes in men
Progesterone is known as the second female sex hormone.
But progesterone is far more than a female sex hormone.
It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and restorative substance.
Many chronic health problems are tied to increased levels of estrogen – even in men.
Progesterone can oppose the degenerative effects of estrogen, improving health and accelerating recovery from disease.
Progesterone was recently shown to accelerate limb regeneration in amphibians.
The protective effects of progesterone also extend to brain injury in humans.
Progesterone is under investigation as a treatment for traumatic brain injury.
Animal experiments have even shown that progesterone can significantly increase recovery after stroke.
The rodent experiments were carried out at the Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Henan Province, China. The results were published in the journal of Molecular Neurobiology.
The most common cause of stroke is a lack of blood flow to the brain.
This starves blood cells of oxygen and sugar – leading to brain damage.
In these experiments, the researchers cut off blood supply to the brains of the lab rats – inducing ischemic stroke.
1 hour after suffering the experimental stroke, some of the animals were given progesterone.
An hour is a long time in the case of stroke – brain cells can be damaged in minutes.
“Rats underwent permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (stroke) and then received injections of progesterone or vehicle(inactive) at 1 h.”
After the initial, high dose of natural progesterone, the animals were given further progesterone 6, 24, and 48 hours after suffering a stroke.
Damaged cells accumulate water – they become swollen and waterlogged.
You can often see this in the tissues of unhealthy people.
A simple way to assess stroke damage and recovery in animals is to see how much water is contained in their brain.
“We calculated brain water content with the wet-dry weight method on day 3.”
The accumulation of water on the brain was significantly decreased in the animals which were given progesterone.
“Progesterone reduced brain water content compared with that in the placebo treated rats on day three following the stroke.”
The rats given progesterone also had a significant increase in BDNF.
BDNF stands for brain derived neurotrophic factor.
BDNF is central to the brain’s ability to regenerate brain cells after injuries like stroke.
“Progesterone treated rats showed a significant increase in BDNF expression compared with vehicle treated rats.”
Of course, the most important factor with stroke recovery is neurology – can progesterone improve brain performance after stroke?
To answer this question, the researchers put all the rats through a battery of tests designed to assess their brain function after stroke.
“The modified neurological severity score comprises motor, sensory, balance, and reflex tests.”
Progesterone treatment led to significantly improved neurologic function.
“Progesterone improved neurologic function on days seven and 14 post-stroke.”
Those test results show that the biochemical changes in the brain caused by progesterone…
…translate into less brain damage and increased recovery.
Progesterone improves stroke recovery (in part) by increasing BDNF and the production of new neurons in the brain.
“Our data suggest that the enhancement of endogenous BDNF and subsequent neurogenesis could partially underlie the neuroprotective effects of progesterone.”
Ischemic stroke is a major health crisis – one which can hit unexpectedly – and current rehabilitation protocols are very limited.
“Ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death and disability in humans, but treatments to reduce the degree of brain damage or restore brain function are restricted to thrombolytic and rehabilitation therapies.”
Progesterone treatment in the hours after ischemic stroke could massively improve patient outcomes.
—-Important Message About Boosting Progesterone—-
3 key supplements that when used in this unique way, have an almost immediate effect…
Right away, your erections are returning with strength and power…
You’re able to last longer and please your partner more, and your confidence is shooting through the roof.
And one of the best things is how quickly you can get erections again after finishing…
Never before have you been able to come and then get erections again 15 minutes later to have sex again…
Now she is loving your intimate time alone together…
And it is catapulting you into a sex life you only ever dreamed of experiencing…
Join me in this new world by giving my PET Protocol a try — it’s free and it naturally helps raise progesterone and T