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Hey, Matt Cook here, and high cholesterol is a pretty common issue that a lot of men have.
And believe it or not, while it isn’t talked about much, sometimes it’s not a terrible thing to have higher cholesterol.
Here’s why the male body needs cholesterol – and the Big Pharma treatments robbing men of it…
The cholesterol secret Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know
Statins are the treatments that are commonly given for cholesterol. It may be a better idea to take care of your gut.
Statins are usually used to treat cholesterol.
When a man is diagnosed with high cholesterol, usually the first thing that happens is that he is given cholesterol-lowering treatments called statins.
cholesterol and reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke. While statins are highly effective and safe for most people, they have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems and mental fuzziness in some people who take them and may rarely cause liver damage.
Stains are widely considered “safe” by the medical community, but they aren’t really all that safe.
In fact, while I can’t tell you what to do with any treatments, I personally would not ever take them.
Because statins are also linked to diabetes and other side effects.
That’s because statins put you at higher risk for diabetes, and can also cause significant side effects like brain fog.
There is also no evidence that these “lifelong” treatments actually prolong lifespan.
We identified 13 statin trials with 91 140 participants, of whom 4278 (2226 assigned statins and 2052 assigned control treatment) developed diabetes during a mean of 4 years. Statin therapy was associated with a 9% increased risk for incident diabetes (odds ratio [OR] 1.09; 95% CI 1.02-1.17), with little heterogeneity (I(2)=11%) between trials. Meta-regression showed that risk of development of diabetes with statins was highest in trials with older participants.
But statins may not be the only way that you can control cholesterol levels.
There are a whole lot of bacteria in your gut.
Your gut contains HUGE amounts of bacteria, which helps to either keep you healthy or make you sick.
In the darkest parts of the world where light fails to block out the unfathomable bounty of the stars, look up. There are still fewer specks illuminating the universe than there are bacteria in the world, hidden from sight, a whole universe inside just one human gut.
The profound effects of this bacteria is one of the main reasons that I am adamant about keeping your gut healthy.
Those gut bacteria can help reduce cholesterol.
Some of these microbes actually reduce blood serum cholesterol concentrations.
“The metabolism of cholesterol by these microbes may play an important role in reducing both intestinal and blood serum cholesterol concentrations, directly impacting human health,” said Emily Balskus, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard University and co-senior author with Ramnik Xavier, core member at the Broad, co-director of the Center for informatics and therapeutics at MIT and investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital. The newly discovered bacteria could one day help people manage their cholesterol levels through diet, probiotics, or novel treatments based on individual microbiomes.
You can see more about how this works in this illustration.
The bottom line is if you keep your gut healthy, your entire body will be more healthy.
That includes having lower cholesterol, less anxiety, and a better immune system.
—-Important Message About Cholesterol and Statins—-
Should you skip the statin? This naturally lowers cholesterol by turning it into testosterone
Many men on statins often suffer from low testosterone and don’t know why.
And it’s because they don’t know how important cholesterol is for testosterone.
See, cholesterol is the natural building block of testosterone.
You can’t make testosterone as a man without cholesterol.
So when you take a statin, you poison your body’s natural mechanism of turning cholesterol into testosterone…
So cholesterol goes down, but so does T…
And that’s yet another reason why I never recommend statins.
Instead, I recommend this – my simple protocol that helps the body turn more cholesterol into T