This missing vitamin can help prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks
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The anti-heart attack vitamin
Matt Cook here, and vitamin E is a very protective nutrient that can be found in some parts of grains and seeds.
Over the years, humans have increased our intake of nuts and massively increased our intake of grains.
But we have also improved our processing techniques for these foods.
We now tend to eat refined grains (without vitamin E).
We also eat the oils from these grains (vegetable oils) which have the vitamin E stripped from it.
One of the main reasons that we need vitamin E is to protect against unstable fats…
The very types of fats found in large amounts in vegetable oils.
We are consuming more and more harmful fats – and less and less vitamin E.
This has implications for total body health – and nowhere is this problem more obvious than in the cardiovascular system.
The human research was carried out at Cambridge University in the UK. The paper was published in The Lancet.
Vitamin E is actually a number of different substances.
This study focused on the commonly used form of vitamin E known as alpha-tocopherol.
The researchers were interested in the effect of alpha-tocopherol in atherosclerosis.
“Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is thought to have a role in prevention of atherosclerosis.”
Large population datasets show that there is a negative relationship between vitamin E intake and heart disease.
“Studies have shown an association between high concentrations of alpha-tocopherol and lower rates of ischaemic heart disease.”
In order to prove a causal link, the researchers set up an experiment looking at the effect of vitamin E supplementation.
“We tested the hypothesis that treatment with a high dose of alpha-tocopherol would reduce risk of heart attack and cardiovascular death in patients with established ischaemic heart disease.”
They recruited over 2,000 people with confirmed atherosclerosis.
“In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study with stratified randomisation, 2002 patients with angiographically proven coronary atherosclerosis were enrolled and followed up for a median of 510 days (range 3-981).”
The participants were split into 3 groups.
- One received a high dose of vitamin E.
- Another group received half of that dose of vitamin E.
- The final group received an inactive placebo capsule.
The participants did not know what was in the capsules.
“1035 patients were assigned alpha-tocopherol (800 IU daily 546 patients; 400 IU daily for remainder); 967 received identical placebo capsules.”
The vitamin E capsules were effective at raising vitamin E levels in blood.
“Alpha-tocopherol concentrations rose in the actively treated group (from 34 to 51 with 400 IU daily and 64 with 800 IU daily) but did not change in the placebo group.”
People in the vitamin E supplementation group had a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular death, and significantly reduced risk of having a heart attack.
“Alpha-tocopherol treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary trial endpoint of cardiovascular death and non-fatal myocardial infarction (41 vs 64 events; relative risk 0.53).”
The authors of the study believed that the benefits of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) supplementation is due to an effect on cholesterol.
But I think they are missing the point.
You see, it was well proven way back in the 1960s that cholesterol is not the cause of these plaques, nor is it the cause of death.
In fact, it is the out of place calcium of calcium and inflamed proteins which are the cause of these plaques.
Cholesterol is just incorporated into the structure as a building material.
Vitamin E acts to control this and regulate calcium…
…as well as limit the inflammatory proteins which make up the bulk of these potentially lethal plaques.
I believe this is why it is beneficial for people with atherosclerosis.
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