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Truly mindblowing. You’ll be loving it tonight with your wife or girlfriend. Even single guys will get a lot out of this today.
—–Important Message——
Here’s what men are painting on their penis to increase size and T levels…
Paint it on and watch it grow…
The substances you paint on can help you grow bigger and fatter.
My testosterone was 883 in my most recent lab test. Many men my age have T levels of 200 or 300…
For example, Larry was taking testosterone injections and still he suffered from sky-high estrogen levels and low T…
Larry and I are just two examples of this paint it on and watch it grow approach…
Here’s what you can paint on your penis to make it bigger, fatter, and more sensitive.
A test on 45 women reveals what arouses the female mind.
This is a lot of fun. It’s about women and what gets them aroused.
Some women are easily aroused, of course. But some are not.
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This study provides some actual clues about arousal in women…
The participants in this study were young women…
It’s much easier to find university students who are willing to participate in studies like this than people from the general population.
The intent of the study was to determine the effects of fantasy on arousal in women.
They administered some very detailed questionnaires to the participants.
They asked them about their arousal patterns, and about their masturbation habits and frequency.
They also asked about their sexual thoughts and fantasies and sexual images.
Then they exposed the women to an audio recording that had reliably caused sexual arousal in women during previous experiments.
While the women listened to the recording, the researchers monitored their arousal using a vaginal device.
“The vaginal probe measures vaginal capillary engorgement, an important component of sexual arousal.”
This is crucial: The women were instructed to engage in five minutes of fantasy before listening to the tape.
The questionnaire and the vaginal test were administered before, during, and after playing the audio.
Basically, the more the women fantasized, the more easily they were aroused when listening to the recording.
And higher levels of intimate fantasy correlated with higher and easier arousal.
What surprised the researchers was that women who were easily aroused did not engage in masturbation any more often than other women.
Being aroused by fantasy did not result in higher masturbation frequency.
The researchers noted one major important conclusion:
“…women can generate physiological sexual arousal in the absence of external erotic stimuli.”
Basically, if a woman fantasizes during masturbation, she is more likely to be also aroused by dirty talk. That’s the study in a nutshell.
Some women did not respond to the recording at all – no signs of sexual arousal.
But – and keep this in mind – only 5 out of 45 women were unresponsive.
“Among the lowest responders in the fantasy condition, six used masturbatory fantasy less than 25% of the time, and two never used fantasy.”
This study was done before the age of widespread porn on the internet.
But I doubt anything about women’s arousal triggers has changed since then.
This study clearly shows that women may often be aroused by fantasy or talk.
——Important Message—–
Single men: Yes, there are cheat codes for pussy!
If you do Action A she gets wetter.
If you do Action B she gets drier.
If you lead the interaction she gets wetter.
If you stammer she gets drier.
You don’t see her getting wetter or drier. You don’t have superman vision into her panties.
But without fail, you can get her incredibly aroused…
Thanks to these cheat codes.
She won’t know why but she just won’t be able to keep her hands to herself.
And hours later she’s giggling and you can’t get enough of each other.
It’s all thanks to these cheat codes.

Ageing is a important factor that can affect the reproductive health of women. As they age, the ovulation among women usually comes down especially when she in her 40's and 50’s. But other factors like lifestyle choices and external factors can also affect a woman’s reproductive health. Obesity can affect the production of hormones in women and may hamper her reproductive health. Increase in weight has been found to affect ovarian function and can cause fertility problems. Also too much thinness or lack of body weight can affect leptin levels. Imbalance in leptin levels can cause absence in menstrual periods among women.Modern lifestyle can also affect a woman’s fertility. Factors such as exposure to pollutants, pesticides and industrial compounds have been found to affect a woman’s health in an adverse way. Plastics like phthalates that are usually found in personal care products have been found to negatively affect women’s reproductive health too. Also, smoking can drastically affect a woman’s reproductive function .According to the American society for Reproductive medicine, Smoking has been found to be a crucial factor behind at least 13% of infertility cases among women. Not only does tobacco affect the endocrine system but it also has been found to affect the DNA.In addition to that, heavy drinking has also been found to affect the natural ovulation process among women. A balanced exercise regimen is a true godsend when it comes to maintaining good health. But over indulging in it, in the form of extreme exercise has been found to affect the menstrual cycles in women. Some studies have also shown that thyroid problems can affect the reproductive health of women. An overactive thyroid or an underactive thyroid can cause problems in enzyme secretions which can affect the reproductive health of women negatively. Certain medical conditions can also affect a woman’s reproductive health. Women who suffer from health conditions such as endometriosis, or uterine fibroids have been found to face infertility problems. Also autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, can affect a woman’s reproductive health. Stress over a long period of time, can cause serious issues to the reproductive health among women.
2. What are the symptoms of low t in women?
The male hormone testosterone is usually believed to be only relevant to men. But it should come as no surprise that testosterone also plays an important role in women’s health. Testosterone helps to produce new blood cells and helps in enhancing libido in a woman’s body. Testosterone also plays an important role in affecting follicle stimulating hormones that can affect the reproductive health among women. Low t issues can cause a host of health problems such as decreased sex drive, depression, obesity, osteoporosis and lack of muscle tissue. It has been found that a low t in woman can also cause symptoms like heart disease and low memory issues.Some other symptoms that are evident in women who have low t are dry skin and the thinning of hair. They may have poor tolerance for exercises and in many a case can lose muscle tone especially in their arms and legs. There may be the presence of fatigue and also the onset of deep depression & anxiety among women, in cases of low t. In addition women may lose their interest in sexual activity and can also feel a lack of motivation in their day to day life. In some cases the loss of bone density can happen, also known as osteoporosis. Women can also face obesity issues as they start gaining fat around their abdomen.But there are feasible steps that can be taken to control this problem. One alternative is taking the right supplementation to boost testosterone levels in the body. Following a detoxification regimen is very important in this case. A balanced diet which is sufficient in protein and zinc levels can also help boost testosterone levels.
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