Is there something sinister about using this substance? What you aren’t being told…
Matt Cook here, and some of you may remember when Sylvester Stallone got busted for trying to smuggle human growth hormone.
It’s quite common for celebrities like him to pay up to $20,000 a month for HGH.
They think it’s this miracle substance. But that’s not really the truth…
In fact, there’s something sinister hiding under the surface when it comes to human growth hormone…
—-Important Message From Olivier Langlois—-
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Sylvester Stallone uses it, should you and I also use it?
Growth hormone has long been used as a treatment for children with poor growth.
But in the last decade, it has become known as something of a miracle substance in some circles.
Growth hormone fans argue that it increases exercise capacity, bone density, and muscle mass – while reducing body fat.
It is also alleged that because of this, growth hormone could extend lifespan.
But there is a lot of evidence showing major detrimental effects of growth hormone.
Numerous animal studies have shown that boosting growth hormone levels severely shortens lifespan.
Hollywood stars, athletes, and bodybuilders are all rumored to take injections of HGH.
The rest of us are advised to take supplements or make major lifestyle changes in order to boost levels of natural growth hormone.
Animal research shows that this is a very bad idea.
These experiments were carried out at the Institute of Molecular Animal Breeding, Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. The paper was published in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development.
In a series of experiments, researchers created a number of different transgenic animals.
These are animals with modified genetic codes which were designed to produce very high levels of growth hormone.
High-growth hormone mutant mice.
“We characterised transgenic mice in which the genes for coding human or bovine growth hormone were put under control of other enzymes.”
The researchers used numerous different types of mutant mice to look at the effects of growth hormone on health, aging and longevity.
The hope was that growth hormone could extend life.
The genetic modifications were effective at increasing levels of the hormone – as shown by blood tests in the mutant mice.
But increased growth hormone levels dramatically shortened lifespan.
“As a consequence of excess Growth hormone in the blood, mice exhibited drastically reduced lifespan which was primarily due to severe kidney lesions consistently found in these animals.”
Aside from major kidney problems which were killing the mice, mice had severe liver problems too – as a result of elevated growth hormone.
“Alterations of the liver were also observed in the transgenic mice.”
Some of the mutant mice developed liver cancers and other types of cancers.
There was a massive increase in precancerous cells in the high growth hormone animals too.
You can find any amount of articles talking about the alleged health benefits of growth hormone – including allegedly increasing lifespan.
But all of these marketing puff-pieces are based on faulty theories.
The real-world evidence shows that increasing growth hormone has severe negative effects on the organs and shortens lifespan.
“Findings in these animals suggest that the long-term benefits and risks of Growth hormone therapy should be carefully evaluated.”
Growth hormone may be beneficial for young people with a severe growth hormone deficiency.
But for adults, chronically elevated levels of growth hormone accelerates aging, enlarges the organs and drives cells toward a state of cancer.
Many of the lifestyle hacks which are promoted to encourage higher levels of growth hormone are clearly stress-inducing behaviors.
Growth hormone fans might tell you to avoid eating before bedtime in order to increase growth hormone.
But you need to eat before you go to bed in order to have enough energy to get through the night without causing the body too much stress.
Another way to increase growth hormone levels is intermittent fasting – also a very stressful practice as your body runs out of easily available energy.
Sugar and carbohydrate restrictions are advised if you want to increase growth hormone levels.
The removal of the body’s optimal energy source is a sure route to physiological stress.
Stress increases growth hormone levels in adults – and growth hormone causes disease of the organs and shortens lifespan in animals.
The current fad for increasing growth hormone is completely wrongheaded.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
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