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This food feminizes men – and you may have a carton of it in your fridge…
—-Important Message—-
Diabetics: From finger prick to powerful prick
Many men find that their penis stops working when they have diabetes.
But this is totally unnecessary.
Many men are using this information to totally blow away their wives…and in the process, their diabetes is GONE.
But you have to avoid these 5 bad foods…
Study: those girly soy boys
Remember: What you eat – and what goes on your skin – can increase the size of your penis, or totally WRECK your sexual function…
And that’s one reason why so many guys are feeling and acting so blah in modern life.
If you go to your doctor’s office feeling blah and with symptoms of low testosterone, they are highly unlikely to tell you how to eat and what to avoid to make your testosterone go up…
This isn’t the doc’s fault. They just don’t know how to do it.
They’re likely to give you a testosterone supplement instead, and those have all kinds of really nasty side effects.
So let’s take a look at how you can avoid testosterone supplements and all their side effects…
And get to feeling really manly again by making the right choices about your environment and diet.
Certain foods will put your hormones totally out of whack.
This is a fascinating study because it’s done on monkeys and not rats.
As you probably know, monkeys are one of our closest biological relatives.
What they eat affects them. And that can very closely mirror how what we eat affects us.
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In this experiment, scientists observed what these monkeys were eating and then analyzed their poop for specific changes in hormones.
And they found that both monkey behavior and monkey hormone levels changed significantly as a result of what the monkeys were eating.
“Eating certain veggies not only supplies key nutrients…it may also influence hormone levels and behaviors such as aggression and sexual activity…”
There is a specific plant that contains lots of estrogen-like compounds.
And when monkeys ate more of this plant, they had higher levels of estradiol and cortisol.
“The more the male red colobus monkeys dined on the leaves of Millettia dura, a tropical tree containing estrogen-like compounds, the higher their levels of estradiol and cortisol.”
Estradiol and cortisol are feminizing hormones and stress hormones.
Both of these hormones occur naturally in the male body.
The problem is when they’re overproduced – they can cause all kinds of diseases and problems with our reproductive systems.
Estradiol is a feminizing hormone and it sets up shop in the body to directly opposes testosterone.
The more estradiol you have, the more likely it is that your testosterone levels are going to be out of whack.
Cortisol is a stress hormone.
When your body is producing too much cortisol, your body goes into inflammation mode.
This can cause the onset of all kinds of diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and maybe even Alzheimer’s.
So, clearly, having either of these hormones in extra production is bad.
The reality is that scientists are still learning about the endocrine system – the system that produces hormones in our body.
But they still don’t know all that much about how it affects behavior and hormone levels (though they are getting new and better information all the time).
We are learning that when we consume items that act on the endocrine system there are dramatic changes in hormones and behavior – and this happens very quickly.
“It’s one of the first studies done in a natural setting providing evidence that plant chemicals can directly affect a wild primate’s physiology and behavior by acting on the endocrine system…“
Highly estrogenic compounds aren’t just limited to those leaves the monkeys eat.
They are also found in foods that humans eat.
And they’re in all kinds of plastics that we encounter daily.
This means that men all over the world are screwing up their testosterone levels because of what they eat.
And nobody (except me) is really telling them about it.
“Phytoestrogens are also found in human foods, especially soy and soy-based products.”
Soy, in particular, is extremely estrogenic.
So if you’re feeling blah and worn out, and just not as manly as you used to be, then you may want to consider eliminating soy and soy-based products from your diet.
These estrogen-like compounds in foods are likely to make your body produce more estradiol, which means less room for testosterone.
—–Important Message—–
Can you drop your estrogen in a few days (before it un-mans you)?
Men go flat because of high estrogen…
Their testosterone level is okay, but their estrogen is sky high. That’s what happened to me…
…and you know where that overflowing estrogen excess comes from?
It comes from fat cells… That’s what creates all that extra erection-killing estrogen.
Luckily I found these little-known discoveries from Harvard University that show you how to get rid of estrogen and get magnificent “towel hanger” hard-ons again…
The Harvard discovery also melts away body fat so your muscles get bigger and bigger…
…and there is no counting calories, no cutting carbs, and no missing meals.

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