I think I surprised my wife LOL
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—-Important Message—-
Stroking this way in the shower makes me come alive down there
Yesterday I’m in the shower using this new method I’ve perfected…
And I’m thrilled to see my member start coming alive, springing up and throbbing with power…
Then suddenly the curtain is ripped back and my wife is standing there…
But her eyes aren’t trained on my face — she’s staring open-mouthed at my bulging towel-hanger…
And before I can even say a word, she is taking off her robe and stepping into the shower with me…
And for the first time in a long time, I lasted 30 minutes! My wife came twice, can you believe it?
I have the Shower Method to thank — ever since I’ve been using it, I’ve been growing in strength and power down there…
I can last longer, I feel more, and I have more control.
And the more I do it, the better things get. So every time I shower, I use this method…
My doctor misdiagnosed me…
What if you don’t have the thing your doctors tell you that you have?
What if you are taking tablets, getting surgery, or receiving treatment for something you don’t actually have?
In Western society, we often treat doctors like they are demigods and in possession of superhuman-like capabilities.
The problem is that docs have regular old human brains…
And are subject to the same kinds of mistakes that every other person is prone to making.
This includes a phenomenon called confirmation bias.
When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views or prejudices one would like to be true.
Essentially, confirmation bias keeps people from continuing to gather evidence when what they are seeing reinforces beliefs they already hold.
In a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, it found that physicians and nurse practitioners are HIGHLY likely to overdiagnose diseases.
And this is true across all kinds of conditions, from pneumonia to breast cancer.
Pretest probability was overestimated in all scenarios. Probabilities of disease after positive results were overestimated as follows: pneumonia after positive radiology results, 95% (evidence range, 46%-65%; comparison P < .001); breast cancer after positive mammography results, 50% (evidence range, 3%-9%; P < .001); cardiac ischemia after positive stress test result, 70% (evidence range, 2%-11%; P < .001); and urinary tract infection after positive urine culture result, 80% (evidence range, 0%-8.3%; P < .001).
I think this is because medical professionals are trained to look for disease so they tend to see disease (confirmation bias).
Now, I want to be clear here.
People do get diseases like pneumonia and breast cancer or prostate cancer.
But people who don’t have these diseases sometimes also get diagnosed with the wrong thing.
This leads to overtreatment of often expensive and sometimes dangerous protocols.
This survey study suggests that for common diseases and tests, practitioners overestimate the probability of disease before and after testing. Pretest probability was overestimated in all scenarios, whereas adjustment in probability after a positive or negative result varied by test. Widespread overestimates of the probability of disease likely contribute to overdiagnosis and overuse.
I just had a friend who’s had a pacemaker removed after 20 years because of overdiagnosis!
That’s absolutely crazy from a test that was performed incorrectly and then read wrong.
And I see this trend everyday in the men that I work with.
They are often overdiagnosed with diseases and on treatments they don’t need that have serious side effects.
If you have a disease or think you do and it’s not an emergency situation it’s a good idea to seek a second opinion.
Because even at a family doc you know well, you could be misdiagnosed about 1 out of 20 times.
Combining estimates from the three studies yielded a rate of outpatient diagnostic errors of 5.08%, or approximately 12 million US adults every year. Based upon previous work, we estimate that about half of these errors could potentially be harmful.
Doctors are, for the most part, good people.
But they are still people and they make mistakes.
They are also prone to very human thinking – which is not always as accurate as we’d like it to be.
It’s always a good idea to make sure you are getting the best info possible and to always take responsibility for your own health.
—-Important Message About Boosting Immunity—-
Can this prevent monkeypox?
All sorts of viruses can overcome the body’s defenses…
…unless your immune system is super strong…
So when your immune system is strong, you will be making the all-powerful T cells which exist to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells.
These T cells are even more important than antibodies.
T cells can hang around in the blood for years after an infection and become part of your immune system’s “long term memory.”
This means your immune system works smarter and faster when encountering similar viruses and illnesses.
So here’s what I’m doing to boost my natural immunity and stay healthy in this world full of sickness — you can try this yourself