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Stomach problems? Try avoiding this chemical
Matt Cook here, and when most people get diagnosed with a disease, they blame their body…
But most diseases can actually be caused by the environment, believe it or not.
In a study published in Nature, researchers looked at data around IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and the environmental factors that may cause it.
A lot of products that are common and mass produced get a “pass.”
This is because it can take a long time to detect associations with a disease…
…and because these associations can be difficult to detect in the first place.
“Environmental factors are known to be just as important as genetic factors in influencing autoimmune and inflammatory disease, yet we lack a method or platform to systematically identify the effect of chemical candidates on inflammation,” said corresponding author Francisco Quintana, PhD, an investigator in the Brigham’s Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, whose lab has previously investigated environmental determinants of neurodegeneration. “
This is bad news for consumers who can suffer from health problems related to common products.
They might have no idea that a chemical they are exposed to could be causing the problem.
In this study, the researchers looked at chemicals that can cause inflammation in the gut using a zebrafish model.
What the researchers found was that the chemical propyzamide, which is used extensively in sports fields and on vegetable crops…
…can cause IBD in mouse and zebrafish models.
In subsequent cell-culture, zebrafish and mouse studies, the researchers demonstrated that propyzamide interferes with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a transcription factor which Quintana first reported in 2008 to be involved in immune regulation.
Of course, instead of fixing the environmental factors that are actually causing IBD in people…
…the researchers are looking to develop commercial products that will “fix” the problem.
The researchers are currently working to engineer nanoparticles and probiotics that can target the inflammatory pathway they have identified. Notably, the U.S. FDA recently approved a topical cream for psoriasis, called tapinarof, which functions by activating the anti-inflammatory AHR pathway, raising the possibility that a similar ‘treatment’ for IBD may be able to be developed by taking advantage of this mechanism.
This makes me CRAZY.You would think that when we found a chemical in our environment that was causing major pain, poor health, and even premature death for so many people…
that something would be done about that chemical!
But that’s not the way the system works! Ugh.So what can you do if you have IBD (as 3.1 million adults in the US do)?
Based on this information I would try to eat organic whenever possible.
Organic vegetables and fruits aren’t going to use these types of chemicals.
There are even services now where you can order “misfit” organic produce at much lower rates than what is in the grocery stores.
Personally, I also avoid all PUFA fats.
They aren’t in this study directly, but are implicated in many inflammatory processes in the body.
If you suffer from IBD it doesn’t necessarily have to be a permanent condition.
It’s your life and your health. You have the power to take charge of it.
—-Important Message About Avoiding Phthalates—-
How to protect yourself from this toxic chemical hiding in the food supply
Phthalates — a type of chemical used in food packaging and production materials — can leach into food and drinks and cause serious harm to human health.
For years, the FDA has illegally ignored petitions to ban these chemicals.
So phthalates keep getting added to our food supply and wreaking havoc on male health.
Even at low levels, phthalates can interfere with male hormones like testosterone.
Animal studies have linked phthalates to a host of serious health concerns, including birth defects, allergies and damage to the male genitals.
So what can we do to protect ourselves?
The liver is our first defense against phthalates…
Years and years of exposure to phthalates bogs down the liver, and the liver can’t process it all…
So the toxins leak out into the rest of the body, including the penis.
Fortunately this can be fixed very quickly with a simple cleanse.
I call it the Penis-Liver Detox and it helps cleanse the body of these toxins, starting with the liver.
Here’s how it works and how you can start using it as soon as today