Everybody is familiar with the horrible, horrific 1918 flu epidemic which killed millions and millions of people.
However, research has found not just that flu epidemic but also outbreaks to be puzzling in the extreme.
This newsletter takes a new look at the idea of flu being a disease passed from one sick person to the next.
It is based on new science and contains a potential solution that you should be using to avoid the flu.
Believe it or not, a famous researcher, Bridges et al., reviewed medical science and found
“no human experimental studies published in the English-language literature delineating person-to-person transmission of influenza.”
Colds have been shown to be communicated person-to-person, but the flu has not been. Did you know that?
After the 1918 flu had begun, the new Centers for Disease Control began experiments with 150 brave, well, and maybe stupid volunteers.
These were very well men, from the Navy.
None of the men had the flu.
The researchers took the mucus secretions from people with the flu, would have been examined and diagnosed by Centers for Disease Control doctors, and they attempted to infect the volunteers with flu.
It wasn’t possible to infect well people with the flu
As this study says,
Then they mixed all the “stuff” together and sprayed one cc of the mixture in each of the nostrils of 10 volunteers, and “into the throat, and on the eye” and waited ten days for the volunteers to fall ill. However, “none of them took sick in any way.”
Undaunted, Rosenau conducted another experiment in which ten acutely ill influenza patients coughed directly into the faces of each ten well volunteers. Again, “none of them took sick in any way.”
This is just one of the many puzzling aspects of flu transmission.
The question of flu epidemics is still very important. I’m in my mid-50s, and I remember very well the swine flu panic button pressed by Pres. Gerald Ford in 1976.
The swine flu is going to be the most terrible thing we’ve had since 1918. Millions of people got a vaccine,
Many people got sick from the vaccine.
But nobody got the swine flu.
And surely you remember a few years ago when bird flu was going to be infecting everyone?
I remember sitting through meetings when health researchers were talking about the most horrendous epidemic that you can imagine.
And none of that came to pass.
And maybe it’s because the present model of flu infection and transmission is incorrect
Current medical science is more and more showing that flu does not infect well people from sick people.
It’s pretty difficult to get the flu if you’re well, from a sick person.
There’s no question that a sick person will cough and put out aerosols that contain billions of flu viruses, and those aerosols can, in fact, infect well people.
But it’s not that easy to spread the flu, as the above experiment done in 1918 shows. And many other experiments have shown the same thing.
Between animals, getting the flu by transmission and infection is very easy, for example in ferrets or pigs, researchers have had no trouble getting an infected ferret or pig to spread the germs to well ferrets or pigs very easily over the air.
But that has not been true of human beings.
So here’s a new model for flu infection.
This model is that certain people who are not exhibiting flu symptoms, carriers, for a very short time, are reproducing the virus in their bodies, and coughing it out and transmitting it very effectively, even though they may not have any symptoms of the flu.
These so-called “strong transmitters” are walking around without knowing it and over a five-day or ten-day infecting vast numbers of people.
Somehow, they can infect other people while normal sick people are not.
And here’s the other side of the equation, why do so many people not get the flu, or even show any symptoms of the flu.
It all has to do with vitamin D
Flu is very seasonal, and it’s worse in the winter when vitamin D levels fall. Vitamin D levels peak at the end of summer and slowly fall, and when they’re at their low point in the winter, is when flu often strikes.
It’s been shown recently that by getting your vitamin D levels up to higher levels, you are very resistant to getting the flu.
Instead of these worthless flu shots, they should be encouraging people to take extra vitamin D.
And when you take vitamin D you also want to take the right form of vitamin D, which is vitamin D3.
And you want to take it with vitamin E, vitamin K2, and vitamin A because these are all important vitamin cofactors that work together.
You especially want to make sure you’re taking vitamin K2 because high amounts of vitamin D without vitamin K2 can cause calcium to migrate from your bones and go into your arteries, and your soft tissues.
In fact, if you take good amounts of vitamin D3, vitamin A, vitamin K2, and vitamin E, you have a very good chance of fixing any atherosclerosis according to other studies, because the vitamin K2 removes a lot of the plaque from your arteries and cleans them out.
So the story with the flu is, get plenty of vitamin D3 and if you can get the sun and get your D that way, that’s the best way.
But if you can’t, you can take oral vitamin D3 along with the other cofactor vitamins, and you may well be resistant to the flu.
On the epidemiology of influenza
Click for more information on Influenza, for information on Natural Remedies, or for more on How the Vaccine effects you.