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Injecting this directly into solid tumors can eliminate all traces of cancer, including distant, untreated metastases – according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
—–Important Message—–
I found a technique that you can do alone, all by yourself…and it will bring back all the sensitivity to your penis.
As men age, their penis gets rusty, just like the tools in the garage…
And the more you use it, the more worn out it gets.
But I found a simple technique that men can do by themselves…
It’s like polishing an old, rusty wrench that can’t even open up…
…and putting it back in perfect working condition again and looking completely brand new.
The same happens with a man’s penis as sensitivity returns and erections happen even from the slightest wisp of wind.
Here’s what you need to do to replenish your sensitivity…
Stanford: Works like an antibiotic against cancer
“It might be the cure for cancer”…
I’ve been hearing that said since I was a kid, and it’s never really amounted to much of anything.
Most of the time, so-called cures for cancer were just a moderate advancement and not really a cure.
But THIS new development might actually BE the cure for cancer.
And it’s looking like it might work without a whole lot of side effects. And it might be pretty inexpensive too.
Let’s look at this study – it is a truly revolutionary approach…
And this treatment could make cancer easy to treat and actually make it easy to cure.
Life expectancy has risen dramatically in the last 200 years, but there are still diseases that terrorize us, like cancer.
In the 1850s, people only lived to an average of about 40 years old.
Now, most of us live into our late 70s or 80s – and many live quite a bit longer than that.
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A lot of that increase in lifespan is due to things like handwashing and antibiotics – they prevent and/or treat the most common causes of diseases.
But, even with these advances, there are still diseases that cause panic and cut us down in our prime.
And one of those diseases is cancer, one of the scariest diagnoses you can get.
Let’s face it…
Going through cancer treatment is brutal.
They usually have to poison your entire body to get rid of cancer.
And the cost is astronomical.
But this new treatment that is being tested looks like it might change all of that.
Scientists are combining two agents that stimulate the immune system, injecting them into cancer tumors, and cancer disappears.
It’s completely gone…
Even tumors that the immune-boosting agents are not introduced to disappear.
“Injecting minute amounts of two immune-stimulating agents directly into solid tumors in mice can eliminate all traces of cancer in the animals, including distant, untreated metastases, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”
What’s even more remarkable about this treatment is that it seems to work across many different types of cancers.
This means there might be one treatment that works for both lymphoma and prostate cancer, for example.
“The approach works for many different types of cancers, including those that arise spontaneously, the study found.”
It’s working, and not just in mice trials…
They are starting to test this treatment in humans, with both of the immune-boosting agents already in use or being tested on people.
That means we may see it on the market sooner rather than later.
“One agent is currently already approved for use in humans; the other has been tested for human use in several unrelated clinical trials. A clinical trial was launched in January to test the effect of the treatment in patients with lymphoma.”
And it seems to work in a huge number of cases, with rates of success way above what is currently normal for cancer treatments.
This is a super-exciting development, especially for people who have cancers that are tough to treat with current methodologies.
“87 of 90 mice were cured of cancer. Although cancer recurred in three of the mice, the tumors again regressed after a second treatment. The researchers saw similar results in mice bearing breast, colon, and melanoma tumors.”
This immune-stimulating treatment even seems to prevent cancer from recurring, which is a huge big deal…
Because, often, cancers come out of remission to strike again.
“Mice genetically engineered to spontaneously develop breast cancers in all 10 of their mammary pads also responded to the treatment. Treating the first tumor that arose often prevented the occurrence of future tumors and significantly increased the animals’ lifespan, the researchers found.”
I’m really looking forward to how this treatment develops over time.
Because it might make the fear of cancer no worse than our fear of infection is now.
It really might be like an antibiotic for cancer.
And while it’s super-exciting to see treatments like this being developed, it’s even better to prevent cancer in the first place.
Remember, I’m not a doctor so I can’t give you medical advice.
But from my research, internal inflammation causes a lot of cancers. And internal inflammation is VERY preventable.
—-Important Message—-
Prostate inflammation often becomes prostate cancer. The cause is frequently internal inflammation. Here’s how to fix it…
You can DRASTICALLY lower internal inflammation and PROLONG your life with this simple fix.
This fix also boosts low libido, fixes poor sexual performance, and solves many health problems that doctors find mysterious…
You can put an end to things like always being tired, belly fat you can’t get rid of, even arthritis and back problems.
Here’s how to fix the CAUSE of prostate inflammation, low sex drive, and erection problems…

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