Are you sleeping like this?
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and millions of men are sleeping in this 1 abnormal way…
And the consequences could be deadly…
Heart attacks. Strokes. Even cancer.
Here’s how to protect yourself…
—-Important Message About Performance Anxiety—-
When I want intimacy with my wife, I take 1 bite of THIS…
I pop this snack in my mouth and feel the effects almost immediately…
My confidence is rising… I’m feeling a surge of raw energy rushing through me…
I feel ready to go…
Like I’m on a hair trigger, and just 1 look from my wife will have me rigid and rocky…
It’s magical how well this works. And it’s completely natural.
Here’s how this snack starts naturally raising testosterone with just 1 bite…
How not getting enough sleep is killing men’s hearts
A little while back, a study was published showing that abnormal sleep duration can increase the risk of heart attack.
Now, new research is showing that short sleep duration (less than 6 hours a night)…
…can double or triple the risk of death in people with heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes.
The human research was carried out at the Department of Public Health Sciences of Pennsylvania State University. The paper was published by the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAMA).
The study looked at the role of sleep in some of the major causes of death.
“Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer are leading causes of death.”
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases include any diagnosis for heart disease and/or stroke.
It’s pretty clear by now that not getting enough sleep causes damage to health.
But just how much of a role sleep duration plays in the risk of death in these common killers is unknown.
“Short sleep is a potential contributor to health; however, its role in predicting mortality associated with cardiometabolic risk factors, stroke and heart disease remains poorly understood.”
In this study, cardiometabolic risk factors were defined as stage 2 hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus.
So the researchers calculated the relationship between poor sleep and the risk of death in people with these widespread health problems.
“We tested whether objective short sleep duration increases the risk of mortality associated with cardio metabolic risk factors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.”
The study included research from over 1,500 adults in the United States.
The researchers had access to medical records and death certificates of all the participants.
The researchers also had access to sleep study data from all the participants.
From this electronic monitoring system they were able to correctly define exactly how much sleep the participants got.
The classified sleep duration into 2 categories. Short sleep duration was defined as a total of less than 6 hours of sleep per night.
“Objective short sleep duration was defined as polysomnographic total sleep time <6 hours.”
The researchers then calculated the risk of death according to whether or not the participants experienced inadequate sleep.
Sleep had a major effect on the risk of death in people with type 2 diabetes, stage 2 hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
“Risk of all-cause mortality associated with cardio metabolic risk factors, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease was significantly higher in subjects who slept less than six hours.”
In people with type 2 diabetes and stage 2 hypertension, inadequate sleep more than doubled the risk of death from any cause.
“Risk of all-cause mortality associated with cardio metabolic risk factors was significantly higher in subjects who slept less than six hours (hazard ratio 2.14).”
For those with a diagnosis of stroke and/or heart disease, inadequate sleep more than tripled the risk of death.
“Mortality associated with heart disease and stroke was significantly higher in subjects who slept less than six hours (hazard ratio 3.17).”
What’s more, inadequate sleep increased the risk of death from heart disease or stroke in patients with type II diabetes or high blood pressure.
“In subjects who slept less than six hours, cardio metabolic risks were associated with +83% risk of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease mortality.”
For those with heart disease or stroke, short sleep duration almost tripled the risk of receiving a dying from cancer
“In subjects who slept less than six hours, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease was associated with a 2.92 higher risk of cancer mortality.”
Not getting enough sleep significantly increases the risk of death in people with some of the most commonly diagnosed health problems.
“Short sleep duration predicts the all-cause mortality prognosis of middle-aged adults with cardio metabolic risk and the cancer specific mortality prognosis of those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.”
These are some of the reasons why I focus so heavily on techniques to improve sleep.
—-Important Message About Preventing Heart Issues—-
Bolivian monk’s 90-second exercise makes your body impervious to heart attacks
What if you could relax your blood vessels?
The vessels expand as they relax, so what does that do to your blood pressure?
It lowers it of course.
Since I was having trouble with my blood pressure, especially in the mountains…
…one of the monks showed me this simple 90 second exercise that lowers blood pressure.
It works by relaxing the blood vessels.
It’s true…now I feel relaxed, my head stops pulsating, my heartbeat is strong and steady…
…and I notice something really weird, totally unexpected, kind of embarrassing.
I’m getting the biggest, strongest woodie I can remember having in ages, maybe ever!
And it’s because blood flow is massively increased in men down there as a result of this exercise.
And most importantly, this prevents heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke.
So here’s the 90-second exercise I learned from the monks