More than 50% of the buildings in the U.S. are considered “mold toxic”…
—-Important Message—-
Push this one spot inside a woman with your pointing finger and watch what happens

One woman was touched this way and she released a stream of her juices gushing out like a high-powered sprinkler…
The only thing that kept her from losing consciousness was another wave of prickling pleasure seizing control of her body…
Soon she was completely overcome with yet another gripping climax…
And then another… and another after that…
Until she collapsed like jello, a wet puddle of her juices soaking their bed sheets…
Here’s how to do this to your wife or girlfriend with just your pointing finger…
Signs mold is making you sick — and what to do about it
Mold exposure is a concern for everyone.
The more of our lives we spend inside, the greater its ability to impact our health.
Mold is everywhere, and is a natural part of biological processes.
The problem is that levels of mold can be many times higher indoors than in natural environments outside.
If you’ve read accounts of people who suffered from mold exposure before, you’re probably aware that it can be a very trying and long recovery process.
The symptoms are often ill-defined, but can be life-threatening, with respiratory difficulties, headaches and extreme fatigue being common health concerns.
Sources of mold
Most buildings and homes are made of biodegradable materials, notably wood.
Building materials, along with dust, carpets, curtains and others can sustain mold growth, if humidity is sufficiently high.
Typically humidity levels of 50% and above are dangerous.
Another major source of mold infestation are water leaks from faulty roofs, through which water infiltrates in the ceilings and between the walls, providing the ideal setting for mold to grow everywhere.
It is not always visible to the naked eye, and can feed on dust and countless other particles.
Mycotoxins, VOCs and spores.
Mold releases mycotoxins, VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and spores.
These strongly affect thyroid function, and general health to a great extent, often causing deficiency or imbalance of many hormones.
Exposure to volatile organic compounds present in water-damaged buildings including metabolic products of toxigenic fungi and mold-derived inflammatory agents can lead to a deficiency or imbalance of many hormones, such as active T3 hormone. -Somppi (2017)
A healthy person will be able to deal with mold exposure well enough, especially if it is intermittent.
However, chronic exposure over many months, or years, will invariably impact everyone, regardless of their constitution.
It is an extremely serious problem which can be life-threatening.
Long-term exposure to dampness microbiota induces multi-organ morbidity. One of the symptoms related to this disorder is non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS). – Somppi (2017)
This is not surprising, considering the crucial role that thyroid hormone plays in literally every cell and tissue in the human body.
How thyroid supplementation can help.

A 2017 study looked at nine patients with a history of mold exposure, who were dealing with a variety of symptoms including fatigue, cognitive problems and various hypothyroid symptoms.
It found that Triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation was able to alleviate the symptoms of mold exposure.
This shows that a thyroid hormone deficiency (or hypothyroidism) is clearly a side-effect of mold exposure.
In general hypothyroidism is the natural consequence of any chronic stress.
T3 is the active thyroid hormone (not T4).
It is readily available in all countries, and based on this research, any doctor would have to consent to prescribing it.
According to Ray Peat, PhD, a good way to dose is to take a few micrograms (3 to 4mcg) every hour, so as to approximate the body’s natural production of thyroid hormone.
Obviously, thyroid supplementation is not the real solution.
Indoor environments need to be kept tidy, clean and dry, and if any existing mold growth needs to be dealt with.
That being said, T3 supplementation is a safe, and effective way to get rid of the symptoms of mold exposure.
—-Important Message—-
Here’s why super vitamin C is better than any other form of vitamin C — may fight back against molds and mycotoxins

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Here’s how to get this new SUPER vitamin C today (and it’s free).

Somppi, Taija Liisa. “Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome in Patients Exposed to Indoor Air Dampness Microbiota Treated Successfully with Triiodothyronine.” Frontiers in immunology vol. 8 919. 7 Aug. 2017, doi:10.3389/fimmu.2017.00919