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Aches and pains end after a few hours…never fear getting the flu again.
—–Important Message—–
An interesting and sexy side effect of my new blood pressure treatment (my wife LOVES it).
I needed a way to lower my blood pressure. And I didn’t want to take Big Pharma’s chemicals…
I tried a lot of things to lower my blood pressure. But my doc said it was still too high.
Fortunately, I found something that works. And I take it when I have a coffee break.
It’s something I add to my coffee and it lowers blood pressure by 5 points right away…
…then another 5, and another 5.
Now interestingly…a side effect seems to be that my penis up straighter than it has for a long time.
Last night my wife noticed how hard I was and crawled on top of me. Wow, just wow, that wasn’t even possible for a long time.
(Because only days ago it was lifeless and limp.)
This shrinks 6 days of flu into less than 3 hours.
Hack, hack, hack… That’s the sound of influenza.
Most of us associate the flu with belly trouble or aches and pains.
But some of the worst types of flu start out looking like colds and then turn into awful upper respiratory nightmares that make you really miserable.
For most men – under normal circumstances – the flu just passes on and you move on with your life.
But flu can be deadly, and not for the reasons you may think.
Yes, the flu can kill you on its own.
But it’s also been linked with a dramatically higher risk of having a heart attack.
Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself.
How the flu can knock you dead…
I’m not surprised anymore by most of what I read in medical journals, but this actually did surprise me.
It’s something you will NEVER hear about from your doctor.
But, considering the risk factors, it IS something you really need to know about.
Yes, the flu is really awful. It makes you feel terrible and it spreads like wildfire.
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But the flu also dramatically increases your risk of dying from a heart attack.
I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.
“Chances of a heart attack are increased six-fold during the first seven days after detection of laboratory-confirmed influenza infection, according to a new study by researchers in Canada.”
Read that again…
A six times GREATER chance of having a heart attack during the first seven days of an influenza infection.
Six times is a pretty big risk factor and something to keep in mind the next time you come down with the flu.
If you happen to be 20 years old, this may not be a big deal. But beyond middle age – it’s something you need to keep in mind.
“The risk may be higher for older adults, patients with influenza B infections, and patients experiencing their first heart attack.”
Because of this greater risk of heart attack during the flu, it’s important to do what you can to prevent getting the flu in the first place.
Prevention is always much better than treatment.
Even heart attacks that are survived cause permanent damage to the heart muscles.
“People at risk of heart disease should take precautions to prevent respiratory infections, and especially influenza.”
One of the best ways to prevent influenza infections is quite old-fashioned…
Yeah, you guessed it: hand washing.
Washing your hands with hot, soapy water is simple. And it works.
I greatly prefer actual hand washing over hand sanitizers, but they’re better than nothing.
If you have heart attack symptoms while you have the flu… do not ignore them.
You shouldn’t ignore symptoms of a heart attack ever, of course. But they can be easy to ignore when you are already not feeling well.
Some heart attack symptoms are the same as some flu symptoms.
Make sure you get medical help immediately if you have these symptoms!
“Patients should not delay medical evaluation for heart symptoms – particularly within the first week of an acute respiratory infection.”
Here’s why you probably haven’t heard of this connection between flu and heart attack before:
Most doctors tend to treat each health issue separately.
It’s not their fault – it’s how they are trained.
But, just as flu and heart attacks are linked together, other health problem can cascade into each other very easily.
So it’s important to take care of your overall health.
And one of most effective ways to do this is to focus on inflammation.
Low inflammation = good overall health
Inflammation is hard for people to understand, especially when we’re talking about inflammation inside the body.
But it’s an important topic because it’s linked to just about every kind of disease and health problem there is.
Heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and on and on…
I’m not going to go into a ton of detail here. We have other material on inflammation.
But I am going to tell you now what inflammation is.
And why it’s so important to get it under control.
Think about what happens when you hit your thumb with a hammer. It swells up, right?
Of course it does! Because it’s irritated.
Well, when the cells in your blood vessels, brain, muscles, organs, bones, and the rest of your body get irritated, that triggers an inflammatory response.
Like most things, this inflammatory response is helpful in moderation. It is necessary to protect cells.
But long-term chronic inflammation causes trouble.
So you need to reduce chronic inflammation to support good health.
By supporting your good health you can minimize the instances of getting sick with things like the flu and keep your heart attack risk down.
—–Important Message—–
This shrinks 6 days of flu into less than 3 hours…
There may be a way to NEVER get sick again, thanks to this revolutionary new finding.
To see how this new finding works… Remember when you were a kid, you’d be at death’s door with the chicken pox and in a few hours you’d be running around like nothing’s wrong?
Well, as kids we had an advantage – our metabolisms were fast and that helped boost our immune systems.
And a new discovery lets you RAISE your metabolism as a mature man…so you will hae the same amazing bulletproof immune system you had as a kid…
And now picture this: You always have loads of energy… You feel sorry for all your friends – even men who are far younger – who are always getting sick…
And your energy spills over into your sex life where you have amazing stamina like you haven’t experienced in decades.

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