Here’s one you may want to avoid — don’t let it in your house
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Matt Cook here, and a lot of so-called gurus hate on antibiotics.
But I love them.
They can heal leaky gut…they can save our life…they are amazing.
But, I’m sure you also suspect that some antibiotics can do more harm than good, right?
You’re right. Some antibiotics can hurt our health.
One in particular, often used for serious infections, comes with some pretty severe side effects.
You might be surprised to learn what this antibiotic can do to your heart and gut…
—-Important Message—-
Brain-Penile Boost
I’ve found that as men age, they start to lose their drive and excitement for sex…
And generally the reason for that is called desensitization.
Desensitization happens when your brain stops sending “get rocky” signals to your penis.
No signals mean no arousal, no drive, and no desire.
The solution is to stimulate the nerve connections between the brain and the penis.
The brain starts picking up even tiny pleasure signals — and the penis wakes up.
I developed some simple solo activities that get the brain and penis talking again — for incredible erections and pleasure.
And you can do these fun activities alone or with a partner.
I’m showing you these simple solo activities in my new Sex Life Transformation – click here to access it.
Should you take antibiotics?
If you have a serious infection, you will probably need antibiotics to clear it.
And while antibiotics are largely considered “safe,” not all of them really are.
This is especially true in the massive doses we almost always use them in.Some antibiotics can really do bad things to your health.
And you should know that’s the case BEFORE you take them.
Clindomycin, in particular, has some pretty severe negative consequences.
What is Clindomycin?
Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is typically reserved for very serious medical conditions, like lung abscesses and necrotizing fasciitis.
It’s also sometimes used with people that have allergies to penicillin.
The problem is that clindamycin OFTEN has severe side effects.
I’m not saying to refuse it if it is the ONLY thing that will work to save your life…
…but you need to know how risky it can be and what to look for in case you need treatment for the side effects.
Heart problems can be a side effect.
One of the most disturbing side effects of clindamycin are heart problems, which may require resuscitation.
This isn’t the most common side effect, but it is the most severe.
Prolongation of QT time interval may be provoked by a limited number of ‘treatments,’ especially macrolide antibiotics. We describe a case of QT time interval prolongation induced by clindamycin with subsequent repeated ventricular fibrillation and resuscitation; there is no previous report in the literature of QT time prolongation caused by lincosamides.
Potentially deadly diarrhea can be a side effect.
Another side effect that is MUCH more common is serious diarrhea.
The diarrhea caused by this treatment can be so serious it can kill you.
Because clindamycin therapy has been associated with severe colitis which may end fatally, it should be reserved for serious infections where less toxic antimicrobial agents are inappropriate. It should not be used in patients with non-bacterial infections such as most upper respiratory tract infections. Treatment with antibacterial agents alters the normal flora of the colon and may permit overgrowth of clostridia. Studies indicate that a toxin produced by Clostridium difficile is one primary cause of “antibiotic-associated colitis”.
The reason this diarrhea is so severe is because the clindamycin wipes out the microbiome in your gut.
This allows an overgrowth of a bacteria called clostridia.
If you get bad diarrhea from clindamycin, a fecal transplant can help.
If you do have to take this treatment and you get diarrhea, then a fecal transplant CAN help restore your natural gut function.
FMT (fecal microbiota transplant) as the best tool for treatment of antibiotic-refractory CDI has gained immense popularity over the last decade. The future of gut microbiota-based therapy should include oral formulations that contain well-described ingredients in effective doses, clear mechanism of action, and excellent safety profile.
This isn’t something that you should ever attempt by yourself at home.
If you have severe diarrhea, always make sure to contact a medical professional immediately.
It can be deadly, and severe diarrhea is nothing to mess around with.
It’s a bad idea to kill off gut flora unless absolutely necessary.
What you need to take away from this article is that killing off all your gut bacteria with high powered antibiotics is a terrible idea…
…unless it’s the only way to save your life.
Doing this can screw up your health for quite a long time.
It’s not always easy to get back to “normal” after wiping out your gut bacteria.
It’s possible, but for most people it’s a pretty long path.
—-Important Message—-
Social Security is crashing?
Social Security funds are expected to run short by 2035.
Soon enough, the social health system won’t have sufficient funds to take care of Americans.
So my advice to all men is to protect their health so you don’t need expensive medical procedures later.
And I’ve found a real solution for men dealing with serious illnesses like diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer.
I call it the tiny molecule breakthrough.
This one tiny molecule can help break the cycle of endless doctor visits and expensive prescriptions.
With this tiny molecule, men are:
- Living and feeling like teenagers again
- Waking up energized and ready for the day
- Healing from the inside out
This means higher libido, better cognitive function, and incredible vitality.
Discover how this tiny molecule can transform your health here