I don’t – and here’s why
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and what if the way that researchers measured the success of treatments or screenings was 100% wrong?
Would that influence the treatments you take or how you go about your medical care?It does for me.
Here’s why I’ll never get screened for cancer…
—-Important Message—-
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Should men get cancer screenings?
Don’t get me wrong. Modern treatments are pretty miraculous – at times.
Overall, people live longer, healthier lives than at any point in the history of our species.
But I think in some ways this has lulled us into a false sense of trust in Big Pharma and their motivations.
There is a lot of money in treatments and screenings.
And screenings produce a lot of treatments.
The most common way that treatment or screening results are measured is in disease reduction or disease specific mortality.
“The most widely accepted end point in randomized cancer screening trials is disease-specific mortality.”
Which sounds great, because if we know that cancer kills you and that cancer screenings mean cancer is more curable, you should live longer…
Not so much. In my opinion it’s far better to look at all-cause mortality for any type of screening or treatment.
All-cause mortality is why people die for any reason.
Because the real goal isn’t to put the cancer into remission. The real goal is to live longer.
In the medical community, cancer screening is usually considered the gold standard of medical care.
The line is that it detects cancer earlier when it’s more treatable.We know that early detection and treatment means more instances of remission for cancer.
But does the treatment that happens after detection actually make you live longer?
That’s debatable.A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute looked at this very question.
The researchers wanted to know if cancer screenings actually helped populations of people live longer.
They looked at 12 different trials that had data both for disease specific mortality and all cause mortality.
“We examined all 12 published randomized trials of cancer screening for which both endpoints were available (seven of mammography, three of fecal occult blood detection, and two of chest x-ray screening for lung cancer).”
And the results were at best… muddy.
In some groups, the all-cause mortality didn’t get any better with cancer screenings…
…and sometimes it was HIGHER when people were screened for cancer.
“disease-specific mortality was lower in the screened group than in the control group, whereas all-cause mortality was the same or higher.”
But overall, the data was just confusing.
One thing that was for sure is that there was no clear evidence that cancer screenings actually help you live longer.
“Major inconsistencies were identified in disease-specific and all-cause mortality endpoints in randomized cancer screening trials.”
But the researchers DO think that all-cause mortality should be included in the way we measure results from these screenings.
“Because all-cause mortality is not affected by bias in classifying the cause of death, it should be examined when interpreting the results of randomized cancer-screening trials.”
I 100% agree.
I’m not telling you to skip screenings if that’s what your doctor tells you to do.
But it’s crazy to me that we usually only look at the disease outcomes and ASSUME that is going to make us live longer.
The data needs to actually be there…
And everytime I’ve looked at it there just isn’t data to support most cancer screenings for most people.
So personally, I skip them. You need to do your own research and decide what to do with your doctor.
—-Important Message About Fighting Cancer—-
This natural cancer-fighting powder costs less than $1 for a 6 month supply
I put a pinch of this powder in whatever I’m drinking — coffee, water, juice, milk…
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And most importantly, it can cure the 2 biggest scourges on the planet…
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Here’s the natural cancer-fighting powder Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about