Harry hears his wife talking dirty to her friend on the phone…
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—-Important Message From Harry (a Pen Name)—-
She told her friend her legs were shaking
Harry here, and just now, I overhear my wife Susan talking on the phone to her friend, Cindy…
And I hear her say something like: “My legs were shaking, Cindy! I couldn’t even walk.”
And I have no idea what Susan is talking about until I hear her say next:
“Yes, that’s right. With just his fingers! It felt like it lasted for an hour!”
And now I’m smiling, my chest is poking out, and I have a little skip in my step.
Because now I know Susan is talking about the orgasm I just gave her 10 minutes ago in the laundry room using the Orbiting Pearl.
And trust me — you’re going to want to try this!
Here’s the 30 second orgasm technique that makes your woman literally start craving your cock
Should men drink spearmint tea?
Matt Cook here, and for centuries, people all around the world have turned to natural remedies to improve their health and well-being.
These herbal remedies and teas have a special place in our journey towards a healthier life.
They provide us with the benefits of natural plant compounds.
I love using these as strategic tools, whether it’s coffee, chamomile, or green tea.
Nature has provided us with many beneficial compounds in them, and it is up to us to use them to our advantage.
But that doesn’t mean that they are ALL good for us.
Some of them can be counterproductive.
One of them is spearmint, the subject of today’s study.
It’s a delicious and aromatic herb commonly used in cooking, and is also brewed as tea.
However, a recent study has shown that it may not be the best choice for us men…
…because spearmint lowers testosterone levels.
This study was conducted at the Eastbourne District General Hospital, UK. It was published in Phytotherapy Research.
This experiment was done on women who had hirsutism.
It’s a condition that causes excess facial and body hair in women.
It’s often caused by HIGH LEVELS of androgens (testosterone).
The researchers divided those women into 2 groups.
One group received spearmint tea every day, while the other received a placebo.
The experiment lasted for 30 days.
After 30 days, the researchers found that the volunteers who had been drinking spearmint tea had significantly lower levels of free and total testosterone.
They also had higher levels of LH and FSH compared to those who had been drinking the placebo tea.
“Free and total testosterone levels were significantly reduced over the 30-day period in the spearmint tea group. LH and FSH also increased.”
This suggests that spearmint tea has ANTIANDROGENIC properties, meaning it can reduce the levels of male hormones in the body that cause hirsutism.
“There was a clear and significant alteration in the relevant hormone levels.”
“It was demonstrated and confirmed that spearmint has antiandrogen properties.”
The volunteers who drank spearmint tea also reported a significant improvement in their perception of their degree of hirsutism.
In other words, they lost body hair.
“Patient’s subjective assessments of their degree of hirsutism scored by the modified DQLI were significantly reduced in the spearmint tea group.”
The experiment was conducted on women, but I don’t think it would’ve resulted differently if it had been done on men.
Spearmint is known to lower testosterone levels and increase estrogen.
As we age, our testosterone levels naturally decline.
This leads to decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, reduced bone density, and decreased sex drive.
It’s a recipe for disaster in bed.
We definitely do not want low T levels.
If you happen to be a regular drinker of spearmint tea, you should stop – that is, if you care about your bedroom performance.
But fear not – plenty of other natural plants can help improve our health and performance without negatively impacting T levels.
As I mentioned in the beginning, coffee, green tea, and ginger tea have been shown to have numerous health benefits.
And they don’t cause catastrophe down there…
—-Important Message For Men Who Want Higher T—-
1 spoonful a day of this T soup leads to higher testosterone
It takes me only two minutes to cook this soup in the microwave…
Only 5 minutes on the stove…
And then I have a huge amount that will last for several weeks.
Each day, I take only a spoonful or two…
And I wake up the next day with stiffer and stronger morning wood!
After a few weeks, I check my testosterone levels…
And wow — almost 900! Higher than most men in their 20s.
All from a few spoonfuls of this simple T soup…